It's the only way I can function. If I did not have insurance it would be $406.99. I am hoping they continue to cover this as needed. Thank you Lord!:)
I take 8 mg every night before bed, regardless of if I'm feeling good or not. I feel like it builds up in my system and works better if I don't skip a dose, though, my doctor says no. I don't think I believe her.
last time my dose cost over $1000 a month and I needed it for 7 months insurance was pissy about it every month but it was all that let me eat I lost so much weight before I found it. expensive stuff but it seems to be a mirricle though I still could barff on it.
Me DOR amh .64 ng/mL
DH Brain Cancer
BFP #1 12/11/08 DS born 8/23/09
BFP#2 10/13/11 DC 11/4/11
BFP#3 12/6/13 Lost 12/29/13
Told IVF is the only option and have not found a clinic that will take me.
I take the generic orally dissolving 8mg 3x/day. (about $4 for 20 pills) but this gets me nasuea but not throwing up all day (on a very bland diet only)
Then when it gets really bad (cant even kept water down) then i have some "fun" supository anti-nausea pills every 4 hours.
Same thing last pg, and insurance covered it for the 10 wks i needed it.
Re: Zofran is working...hope this continues
I take the generic orally dissolving 8mg 3x/day. (about $4 for 20 pills) but this gets me nasuea but not throwing up all day (on a very bland diet only)
Then when it gets really bad (cant even kept water down) then i have some "fun" supository anti-nausea pills every 4 hours.
Same thing last pg, and insurance covered it for the 10 wks i needed it.