Has anyone had that happen? We had our 8 week appointment yesterday and the doctor says that it doesn't look like the baby is developing. I have another appointment next week to make sure, but the gestational sac measured correctly and the baby looked really tiny in there. Nothing like the other ultrasound pics that I've seen some of the other 8 weekers post.
Re: 8 week gestational sac but the baby is too small?
Make a pregnancy ticker
Were they able to see a fetal pole or embryo at all? If so, did they get any measurements? Was there a heartbeat? Do you know when you ovulated? (Sorry for all the questions.)
If you ovulated late, it's possible that you just aren't 8 weeks pregnant. And even though your sac measured correctly for 8 weeks there is some variability with sac measurement. (I know with my first early u/s in my second pregnancy the tech said that my sac was appropriate size for approximately 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.)
I would try not to worry - even though I know that's impossible. I hope you get some really good news at your appointment next week.
And I just want to throw out there that normally at 6w the fetal pole isn't moving or squirming ...it looks more like a bubble. I'm not sure what PP exactly meant by that but I just wanted to tell you this so if you don't happen to see movement at 6w you won't be concerned. Depending on the type of u/s used you might see a little movement on the screen due to the heart beat though. I didn' see movement until the 12w scan ...and that's full on turning, flipping, arm and leg movement.
Thoughts and prayers to you ......
We saw an embryo, but like I said it was tiny. If they measured it, they didn't tell me what the size of it was. And she didn't mention a heartbeat. The embryo looked tiny, like this photo (a six week photo). But with the embryo so small, I'm not sure that you could see one?
I'm also not sure about ovulation--I do know that my last missed period was August 22.
I had no idea that being pregnant came will all of these unknowns from appointment to appointment. One week everything is fine, and then it's not. It's crazy. My hubs is taking it harder than me. I told him that I'll just keep taking all my prenatals and eating a lot of good stuff, and hopefully we'll have good news next week. If it's not, I'm going to try to miscarry naturally just to be sure (I have been reading about doctors asking for D&Cs based on info like this and then babies end up being healthy).
Thank you guys for your support! We haven't told many people we were pregnant (we were waiting until the first trimester ended), so I don't have many people to talk to about it. I'll keep you updated.
yes, just be positive and have faith next week is better! and once again i will thro this out there for the above commenter, i did see my little one squirming a bit..no it definitely didnt look like a baby..more like a dinosaur lol but definitely squirming a bit. and yes, we also saw and heard a heartbeat! then again, every pregnancy is different, with my first daughter i saw no movement at 6weeks, just a little dot....so every woman is different and no one can ever tell you what you should definitely feel or see.
just have faith<3
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