1st Trimester

Question for 2nd timers

Hello! I hope to be joining you all soon! but i have a question! 

So my husband was home from afganistan for two weeks leave from sept 23-oct 6 and we "tryed" for #2  BUT I am still nursing and haven't had a af since my son was born. I didn't chart or any of that but i had a left over ovulation test and though i would try it and it came back with the double lines on the 27th. My question is how do i know when i should i take a test? 

Sorry if this is a really stupid question! thanks for taking the time to read and help me figure things out!

CONGRATS too all of you lady's! i hope you all have a H&H 9months!  


Re: Question for 2nd timers

  • If you mean a pregnancy test i would wait until at least 3 weeks after the last time you tried. This would be around the time you would have been missing your period if you were ovulating then.
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  • Ditto PP. I would test a few weeks after the last time you and your DH had sex.
    DC1 (2.5) | DC2 (1) | #3 due 6.1.2012
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  • The 27th was 3 weeks ago, so take a test!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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  • I don't know anything about charting and such but with both my pregnancies I tested 2-3 days after my missed period and got a positive.  Good luck!
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