1st Trimester

Intro and ?

Hey everyone!  I got my first BFP last night at 9DPO!  I just have a quick question as to when I should call my OBGYN and let her know. Should I call her today and let her know even though I'm only 10DPO or wait until Friday when AF was supposed to be due?  I also ovulated on day 24 which is later than your typical 14 day ovulation, so I'm hoping they don't go by my LMP since it will say I'm much farther along than I know I am.  What would you do? Thanks!

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Re: Intro and ?

  • I would call today and let them know what you just said here.  They will still be able to set up your first appointment!
  • I would call today and let them know what you just said here.  They will still be able to set up your first appointment!

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  • I would call them.. I got my BFP this cycle too!  I also tested early but it was 13dpo.. AF is now two days late and my preg has been confirmed with bloodwork.  I went through an RE so they will be monitoring it the next few weeks with ultrasounds before I'm released back to OB.  Congrats!
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  • I think 9dpo is pretty early to call. Not to rain on your parade, but you could have a chemical pregnancy. Even though I found out at 11DPO I waited for about 9 days before I called to set up an apointment. I'm not a very high stress person though, and knew that it wan't imperative that I see a doctor right away. Also, about Oing late, my doctor pretty much ignored me when I told her that, which kinda irked me.
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  • Thank you!  I called and made an appt for next Tuesday. If it is a chemical pregnancy, which I'm praying it is not, then I will just call and cancel. 

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