1st Trimester

measuring 9 days behind : (

I went in for my first appointment at which I should have been 8 weeks exactly and the peanut measured at 6w5d.  Heartbeat was strong at 140 and OB didn't seem concerned.  I'm breastfeeding and she said I probably ovulated late.  Well, yes, I know I ovulated late, that's why we're pregnant but there's no way I ovulated 9 days late!  Since my doc isn't concerned, I'm trying not to be either but it's hard.  With Emmaline, I measured 3 days behind but that I knew was because I had ovulated exactly 3 days late...  this one, I'm not so sure.

Even if everything is fine, it supersucked to be told I'm only 6.5 weeks when I thought I was 8!  Ugh first trimester yuckiness!!!

Re: measuring 9 days behind : (

  • I always measure 6-7 days behind due to late ovulation.  Try not to stress!
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  • Pretty much the same thing happened to me.  Thought I was 8w1d, was only measuring 6w6d.  I went back a week later and was measuring accurately for the new due date.  I wasn't sure when I ovulated either, but based on the signs, I knew it was a little later.  And yes, it does suck to go backwards!  I feel like I've known I've been pregnant forever.  :)  Do you have another appointment scheduled soon?  Maybe you could do that to ease your mind?  I wasn't too worried since the doctor wasn't and because I wasn't so sure about my cycle that month.   Good luck!

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  • imageEllasMommy2010:
    I always measure 6-7 days behind due to late ovulation.  Try not to stress!

     Thanks : )  Trying... ; )

  • You could ovulated late, then implanted a few days later, then the baby maybe measuring 2-3 days behind which could equal 9 days. 

    If there was a good strong heartbeat, I won't wyou orry too much about it. It does suck that you have to go through the next 9 days though, thinking that you already have.

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  • imagehewinked:

    Pretty much the same thing happened to me.  Thought I was 8w1d, was only measuring 6w6d.  I went back a week later and was measuring accurately for the new due date.  I wasn't sure when I ovulated either, but based on the signs, I knew it was a little later.  And yes, it does suck to go backwards!  I feel like I've known I've been pregnant forever.  :)  Do you have another appointment scheduled soon?  Maybe you could do that to ease your mind?  I wasn't too worried since the doctor wasn't and because I wasn't so sure about my cycle that month.   Good luck!

    They didn't see the need to get me in sooner than usual so another 4 weeks before I go in again.  But they won't be doing an u/s that visit anyway!  I opted to get the NT scan just so I can have the piece of mind of seeing LO again before the 20 week mark!  I'm not really worried, just a little uneasy.  And you said it perfectly, it sucks to go backward!!!  I thought it really stunk to lose 3 days with DD1, 9 days is ridiculous!!

  • imageRyanandManda:

    Pretty much the same thing happened to me.  Thought I was 8w1d, was only measuring 6w6d.  I went back a week later and was measuring accurately for the new due date.  I wasn't sure when I ovulated either, but based on the signs, I knew it was a little later.  And yes, it does suck to go backwards!  I feel like I've known I've been pregnant forever.  :)  Do you have another appointment scheduled soon?  Maybe you could do that to ease your mind?  I wasn't too worried since the doctor wasn't and because I wasn't so sure about my cycle that month.   Good luck!

    They didn't see the need to get me in sooner than usual so another 4 weeks before I go in again.  But they won't be doing an u/s that visit anyway!  I opted to get the NT scan just so I can have the piece of mind of seeing LO again before the 20 week mark!  I'm not really worried, just a little uneasy.  And you said it perfectly, it sucks to go backward!!!  I thought it really stunk to lose 3 days with DD1, 9 days is ridiculous!!

    Aww, well boo!  I'm sure everything is ok.  Before they told me that I was measuring behind, they asked if I had normal cycles.  I was like, great something is wrong.  Truth is, I do have normal cycles, just happened to ovulate later that time.  I had to remind myself of that to stay calm.  I keep replaying in my head how far along I'd be if I hadn't gone backwards.  I'd be 13 weeks today instead of 11w5d.  I need to stop doing that!  :)

  • imagehewinked:

    Pretty much the same thing happened to me.  Thought I was 8w1d, was only measuring 6w6d.  I went back a week later and was measuring accurately for the new due date.  I wasn't sure when I ovulated either, but based on the signs, I knew it was a little later.  And yes, it does suck to go backwards!  I feel like I've known I've been pregnant forever.  :)  Do you have another appointment scheduled soon?  Maybe you could do that to ease your mind?  I wasn't too worried since the doctor wasn't and because I wasn't so sure about my cycle that month.   Good luck!

    They didn't see the need to get me in sooner than usual so another 4 weeks before I go in again.  But they won't be doing an u/s that visit anyway!  I opted to get the NT scan just so I can have the piece of mind of seeing LO again before the 20 week mark!  I'm not really worried, just a little uneasy.  And you said it perfectly, it sucks to go backward!!!  I thought it really stunk to lose 3 days with DD1, 9 days is ridiculous!!

    Aww, well boo!  I'm sure everything is ok.  Before they told me that I was measuring behind, they asked if I had normal cycles.  I was like, great something is wrong.  Truth is, I do have normal cycles, just happened to ovulate later that time.  I had to remind myself of that to stay calm.  I keep replaying in my head how far along I'd be if I hadn't gone backwards.  I'd be 13 weeks today instead of 11w5d.  I need to stop doing that!  :)

    Yeah, I've had really bad morning sickness with this pregnancy (didn't with the last one) so I'm superbummed to drag that out longer!  Boooo!!!! 

    Thanks for sharing though.  I really appreciate hearing that someone else was in my same boat!!  : )

  • How do you know there is no way you ovulated 9 days late?  I always thought I knew my cycles very well and I usually ovulate on day 14 or 15, but the cycle I got my BFP, I ovulated 30 days late (didn't ovulate until CD 45 when I usually had 28 day cycles in total!)  If the doctor didn't seem concerned and you saw a strong heartbeat, I wouldn't be too worried (though I know that's hard - there is always something to worry about!)

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  • i was supposed to have ovulated on the first of August, I ovulated on the 28th instead... and i usually ovulate on day 20 of my cycle! so I was VERY late! And for no reason at that! i hadn't traveled or been sick, or exercised any harder than usual...lol, just meant to be!
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