I went in for my first appointment at which I should have been 8 weeks exactly and the peanut measured at 6w5d. Heartbeat was strong at 140 and OB didn't seem concerned. I'm breastfeeding and she said I probably ovulated late. Well, yes, I know I ovulated late, that's why we're pregnant but there's no way I ovulated 9 days late! Since my doc isn't concerned, I'm trying not to be either but it's hard. With Emmaline, I measured 3 days behind but that I knew was because I had ovulated exactly 3 days late... this one, I'm not so sure.
Even if everything is fine, it supersucked to be told I'm only 6.5 weeks when I thought I was 8! Ugh first trimester yuckiness!!!
Re: measuring 9 days behind : (
Pretty much the same thing happened to me. Thought I was 8w1d, was only measuring 6w6d. I went back a week later and was measuring accurately for the new due date. I wasn't sure when I ovulated either, but based on the signs, I knew it was a little later. And yes, it does suck to go backwards! I feel like I've known I've been pregnant forever.
Do you have another appointment scheduled soon? Maybe you could do that to ease your mind? I wasn't too worried since the doctor wasn't and because I wasn't so sure about my cycle that month. Good luck!
Thanks : ) Trying... ; )
You could ovulated late, then implanted a few days later, then the baby maybe measuring 2-3 days behind which could equal 9 days.
If there was a good strong heartbeat, I won't wyou orry too much about it. It does suck that you have to go through the next 9 days though, thinking that you already have.
They didn't see the need to get me in sooner than usual so another 4 weeks before I go in again. But they won't be doing an u/s that visit anyway! I opted to get the NT scan just so I can have the piece of mind of seeing LO again before the 20 week mark! I'm not really worried, just a little uneasy. And you said it perfectly, it sucks to go backward!!! I thought it really stunk to lose 3 days with DD1, 9 days is ridiculous!!
Aww, well boo! I'm sure everything is ok. Before they told me that I was measuring behind, they asked if I had normal cycles. I was like, great something is wrong. Truth is, I do have normal cycles, just happened to ovulate later that time. I had to remind myself of that to stay calm. I keep replaying in my head how far along I'd be if I hadn't gone backwards. I'd be 13 weeks today instead of 11w5d. I need to stop doing that!
Yeah, I've had really bad morning sickness with this pregnancy (didn't with the last one) so I'm superbummed to drag that out longer! Boooo!!!!
Thanks for sharing though. I really appreciate hearing that someone else was in my same boat!! : )
How do you know there is no way you ovulated 9 days late? I always thought I knew my cycles very well and I usually ovulate on day 14 or 15, but the cycle I got my BFP, I ovulated 30 days late (didn't ovulate until CD 45 when I usually had 28 day cycles in total!) If the doctor didn't seem concerned and you saw a strong heartbeat, I wouldn't be too worried (though I know that's hard - there is always something to worry about!)
DS1 11/2010 (angel)
DS2 5/2012
DS3 4/2015
New baby 6/2020