1st Trimester

umm, anyone else?

so i am 7 weeks today.  I have not had morning sickness, pretty much ALL day sickness, with vomiting.  Last night about half hour after dinner i vomited and saw drops of blood inside. 


Has this happened to anyone before?!



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Re: umm, anyone else?

  • I had it throughout the day with DD, it was never just the morning.  However, if you have been throwing up all day it might be something more than "morning sickness."  As far as the blood goes, I have had small amounts of blood before.  Its usually if its happened more than once in a day.  Its just the small blood vessels breaking.  I would ask your doctor if keeps happening though or its more than just a small amount. 
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  • If you have been throwing up frequently, the blood your seeing may be caused by irritation from throwing up so much, but if your passing large amounts of it...I would call the doctor. When I was pregnant with DS anything with ginger in it seemed to help...
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