1st Trimester

What are the odds?

I was planning on telling my family im pregnant around thanksgiving but i am getting every impatient. I had an ultrasound yesturday and they were able to find a strong heartbeat. What are the odds of miscarring after they have found a heartbeat? Im thinking i might just tell everyone this week but im still scared of a miscarriage.

Married since June 2007 ~ TTC June 2007 BFP #1 8/24/07 ~ M/C 10/31/07 Emergency D/C (8w) BFP #2 5/22/09 ~ DS born 1/30/10 BFP #3 8/22/11 ~ EDD 6/2/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: What are the odds?

  • Risk of miscarriage after seeing a heartbeat depends on how far along you are when you see the HB, whether you've had any bleeding during pregnancy (rates appear to be double at each stage), whether you are AMA (over 35 - which increases rate), whether you have prior losses (can also increase rate) 

    Here's what I found :

    The rate of pregnancy loss with positive heartbeat varies with gestational age and the presence of vaginal bleeding:

    • Heartbeat at < 6 week., With bleeding 33% are lost, 16% are lost if no bleeding present
    • Heartbeat at 7-9 week., With bleeding 10% are lost, 5% are lost without bleeding present
    • Heartbeat at 9-11 week., With bleeding 4 % are lost, 1-2% are lost without bleeding present.

    This is from https://www.baby2see.com/medical/miscarriage.html, but I've seen the same stats from other sources as well. 

    So, if you saw the HB at 7 weeks and have not had any bleeding during your pregnancy so far, you fall into the 5% risk, if you have had bleeding, then you would still have a 10% chance.  Also, if you are over 35, it could be higher.

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  • The odds do go down after they find the hb. But anything can happen anytime. A fellow bumpie sadly lost her baby at 39 weeks. If we all wait until its "safe," then wait until you have the baby. If you want to tell now, go ahead. Or wait until the 2nd tri. Odds go down again then. Good luck and happy healthy pregnancy to you.
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  • My loss back in April was after seeing the hb at 7w3d. It was a missed m/c at 9w4d. We are just starting to share now but told family immediately as we needed them with our loss. So, My advice is always to share with those who would support you in good or bad.  

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • The odds decrease but I would still only tell people that you would feel comfortable telling if something bad does happen. I do feel it is good to tell family (if you trust them) early in pregnancy so they can be there (again) if something bad happens. Good to have support. (Sorry if I sounded redundant) 
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  • I think the rate goes drastically down once you hear the HB with a doppler somewhere around 10-12 weeks, not sure if it goes down when you see it on the monitor earlier than that but can't hear it with the doppler yet.

    Now here's the thing, if you miscarry, will you tell your parents/siblings? (I assume that's which family you are talking about since you're talking Thanksgiving)

    The way I look at it is, if I would tell my immediate family that I'd miscarried, why shouldn't I tell them that I'm pregnant in the first place?  So we told our families when we were 6-7 weeks, and just made them keep quiet until we put it on Facebook, which we haven't done yet.  Not trying to say you should tell now either, but just giving another way of looking at it.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
    BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
    BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
    BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
    Our little man is getting bigger every day!
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  • My RE told us the risk goes down to about 5% once you hear the heartbeat. My first loss was a missed m/c at 9weeks and we had heard the heartbeat twice, so the risk percentages don't mean much to me. I told my family right away because I knew I would want their support if I had a third loss. It's really up to whatever you're comfortable with because unfortunately you're not "safe" until your baby is here.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Married 1/2/99.
    TTC since 4/09.
    Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
    SHG & SA normal. PCOS Research study started 5/10.
    Clomid/Femara cycle #1 - 6/10 = BFN
    Clomid/Femara cycle #2 - 7/10 = BFP #1 - Missed miscarriage 9/2/10
    11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
    5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
  • imageELF4321:

    Risk of miscarriage after seeing a heartbeat depends on how far along you are when you see the HB, whether you've had any bleeding during pregnancy (rates appear to be double at each stage), whether you are AMA (over 35 - which increases rate), whether you have prior losses (can also increase rate) 

    Here's what I found :

    The rate of pregnancy loss with positive heartbeat varies with gestational age and the presence of vaginal bleeding:

    • Heartbeat at < 6 week., With bleeding 33% are lost, 16% are lost if no bleeding present
    • Heartbeat at 7-9 week., With bleeding 10% are lost, 5% are lost without bleeding present
    • Heartbeat at 9-11 week., With bleeding 4 % are lost, 1-2% are lost without bleeding present.

    This is from https://www.baby2see.com/medical/miscarriage.html, but I've seen the same stats from other sources as well. 

    So, if you saw the HB at 7 weeks and have not had any bleeding during your pregnancy so far, you fall into the 5% risk, if you have had bleeding, then you would still have a 10% chance.  Also, if you are over 35, it could be higher.


    Good info elf!  

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  • If you would need their love/support if you m/c, then why not tell them now during this happy/exciting time? I always tell my family right away.  I'm telling mine tomorrow, actually =)



    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • I saw our first pregnancy hb twice and ended up with a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. I have told only my parents and my mil because we would rely on them again if something happened.
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  • As I am sure you know, there is no "in the clear" time. But I was able to sigh some reliefe after my 6 week apointment. They heard a heartbeat and saw a healthy baby. My doctor was aware of how nervous I was to m/c and informed me my chances of that were less than 5%.


    I am coming up on second tri here pretty soon, and while I am more confident, I am still very nervous of things going wrong. I probably will be until I hold my baby. Good luck to you, and I think since you have a strong heart beat, baby is doing wonderful!

  • We lost two after seeing the hb at 6, 7 and 8 weeks. I used to take comfort in the 5% statistic, but it seems I'm extremely unlucky. This time we didn't tell our parents until after the 1st trimester because we didn't want them to have to worry along with us. 
    DS 04.25.08 DS 03.14.12 missed m/c 9w1d :: 6.18.10 :: d&c | missed m/c 9w3d :: 11.2.10 :: d&c
  • We are not telling our families until Thanksgiving, which is when we will be out of first tri.  For us, though, this is due in part to 1st tri concerns and in part to the fact that we don't live anywhere near our families and want to tell them in person (they will be visiting for Thanksgiving).  I know how you are feeling, though; I am getting so impatient!

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  • My doctor told me that after seeing my baby's heartbeat, the odds have dropped tremendously for miscarriage, but I'm 9 weeks. Things can go wrong at any time during pregnancy, though. I know people who have made it through 40 weeks with no problems and gave birth to a stillborn. At this point, I'd only tell people who you'd be willing to untell should something go wrong. That's my rule of thumb right now.
    Change everything. Love & Forgive.

    BFP 9/22/10, mc confirmed 10/31/10
    4 month break from TTC
    BFP #2 3/17/11, CP confirmed 3/22/10
    BFP #3 9/7/11 Stick, baby, stick!
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