1st Trimester

Pain in my side

I'm not sure that this is pregnancy related but thought I would ask. Of course everything always happens to me on the weekend so my choices are either urgent care or wait til Monday and I don't really think it's serious enough for Urgent Care.

So I'm having quite a bit of pain on my right back side area. It's about half way up my torso and under my ribs. I'm having trouble explaining the place exactly. It feels uncomfortable all throughout the day but earlier I was getting these sharp, shooting pains in that area. I was on my feet all day for work and standing on concrete all day so I wonder if maybe that contributed to it because after laying down for a while I haven't been having the shooting pain. But it's still definitely uncomfortable. 

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Re: Pain in my side

  • I'm 4 weeks and 6 days too and have the same pain, I had a few spasms I can only assume right now, but the same mid right side pain, I think it is because of lifting children all day and standing and walking all day...I soaked in epsom salt and got DH to give me a massage and it seems to have worked for the most part...Goodluck
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