I just ate an entire footlong sub without even thinking about it!! I know I'm pregnant and all, but this is much different than how I was with DD. I could be in for a long pregnancy if I keep up this crap. On the positive side, it was turkey and had a lot of veggies - that makes it better, right? It seems like I'm always hungry, and if I don't eat, I want to throw up.. Am I the only one feeling like this these days?
Re: I'm a ravenous beast! haha!
I knew opening this post would make me hungry. I would kill for a delicious footlong sub right now.
And no, you are not the only one. I feel extremely sick if I don't eat, then I can barely eat because of it. But once I get something in my gut I feel a million times better.
Isn't it crazy what our bodies do!?
I honestly sort of forgot about the listeria issue...whoops! And I almost got chicken breast!
I actually work for a company that makes lunch meat, so I guess, knowing what we do and assuming Subway's supplier is similar, I trust that it is safe. We surface pasteurize all our meat or sell it in the package it's cooked in, so that limits any real risk of bacteria or listeria. As sad as it it, right now I'm more worried about fresh fruits and vegetables.
Argh. I stress-eat and have been super stressed with work lately. Add that to nausea that gets better when I eat and a constant supply of carbs in the office... yeah, it's not pretty.
I'm so mad at myself because I'd lost 35 lbs. on WW right before I got pregnant. All that healthy eating has just gone out the window.