Keep in my mind my daughter will be around 2 year and 9 months when baby #2 is born. She also isn't too much of a fan for riding in a stroller to begin with. I imagine she will want to spend a lot of time outside this summer (which is another worry that I'll save for another post) so we'll probably go on quite a few walks. But I could either wear baby while she's in the stroller or put baby in the stroller while she walks. I just can't decide if it's going to be worth the investment or not.
Re: Double stroller... Yay or Nay?
I am. And I am going ALL OUT. I have been through 4 mediocre strollers, they weren't cheap...but they weren't great. And they all sucked. They broke, or they were just a pain in the a**.
Sophia is really good in the stroller. And while we don't go on a ton of walks, I do run a ton of errands. I'd say I use the stroller now at least 3 days a week. It's not a bad stroller, but I don't love it.
This next stroller is going to be FANTASTIC!
Pregnancy Week by Week stuff.
I'd look for a single/double convertible like the baby jogger city select or the Britax b-ready.
This is exactly what we're looking at.
Pregnancy Week by Week stuff.
Ugh. Those things are PRICEY. Nice but pricey. I don't know. If anything I might just go with a sit and stand. I'll guess we'll see how we stand on finances next year. hehe
I am almost positive that's what we are getting. I totally feel you on having mediocre strollers up until now. And we won't have to buy much for the new baby so I AM getting the stroller I want this time!
Yeah, we were careful with buying a lot of gender neutral. And S's old furniture is in the other room waiting. So we have very little to buy. I'd love a NICE stroller that is quality. Everything I hear about the city select is AWESOME.
Pregnancy Week by Week stuff.
Just got mine today. So excited!
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
Alright, now I'm intrigued. Because I am really leaning towards the City Select.
Advantages of the City Select over the B-Ready:
1) Both seats on the City Select have the same weight limit. With the B Ready, the main seat has a higher weight limit than the second seat. Unfortunately this really limits configuration as it means my (heavy) toddler will always have to be in the main seat.
2) When the full second seat is in place on the B-Ready, it actually protrudes out from the stroller as far as the handle bar. Watch the Baby Gizmo demonstration of this on youtube. This means taller people (DH an myself) can kick that second seat when they walk.
3) When the full second seat is in place on the B-Ready, it can only forward face, it can not face the pusher. If my younger one is going to have to be in the bottom seat, I would like the option of having him/her face me.
4) The City Select has stadium type seating so both kids can see.
Right now the only advantages I'm reading of the B-Ready over the City Select is that it's a little shorter when it's in doubles mode making maneuverability a bit easier. It also has a smaller fold than the City Select and comes with more accessories included. While maneuverability is important, I don't think it overrides the 4 big benefits the City Select has.
But before I spend this type of money, I want to make sure I know what I'm missing with the B-Ready . . . So I'm definitely open to hearing what others have found about the comparison between the two of them!
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
She bought one of the sit and stand ones.
I've been wondering this same thing too... DS will be around 2 yrs 3 months when baby #2 is born. He hates riding in the stroller, but on big trips he gets tired and gets really heavy trying to carry him. I had looked at the sit-and-stand strollers, but they seem really long and I don't think they'll fit in my car's trunk. I just watched the demo video on the baby jogger city select and I'm loving it!
Questions: Is it one stroller that you can use as a single or a double, or is the double one a separate bigger stroller than the one in the demo video? Also, if i'm using it as a double do you just buy the second seat separately? We have a graco Infant carseat, would this fit onto this stroller?
It is a single that you can buy another seat for. Here are the pieces to make it single to double:
And they sell an adapter so you can put the infant car seats in them (here's the Chicco one)
Pregnancy Week by Week stuff.
I think I am going to watch craigslist for a sit n stand, just for outings to the mall as mostly DS just walks, he is pretty anti stroller.