Hi gals!
First off let me say that I am very happy to have found this site. There is so much information and I specially love the blogs.
So, I just got my first BFP ever! We are so excited. It's still very early for me it will be 5 weeks since LMP this Saturday. Now I am wondering, around how many weeks did everyone get scheduled for their first visit. Mine is scheduled for week 8. IS this normal? I am nervous because I am new to the PA area and I still haven't found a OBGYN....so I am going to see someone some friends recommended. I've never even meet this Dr or been to his office. Should I be worried? Also, what sort of things do you think are good to ask or find out from this DR? Thanks in advance for your help!
Re: Q. After ur BFP when was your first Dr. Visit?
I got my BFP about 4w. My 1st appt was at 8w with just the OB Nurse for my family history and blood and urine work. My 1st appr with my OB will be at 11w 2d, next Thurs.
GL, hope you like the OB that was recommended to you.

Baby #1 - 10 Weeks
Baby #2 - 8 Weeks
That is normal for a first appointment. Some ladies get to go earlier, some have to wait till later.
I had bloodwork starting immediately and my first ultrasound was at 6 weeks, but I was also seeing a specialist due to my loss history, so I saw my doctor early and saw her often in the very beginning.
BFP#1 05/19/10 M/C 6/4/10 d/x threatened m/c 6/6/10 m/c confirmed
BFP#2 10/26/10 M/C 11/01/10
BFP#3 11/28/10 C/P 11/29/10
BFP#4 02/23/11 M/C 3/1/11
BFP#5 08/13/11 EDD 04/27/12 Beta @11DPO 8.79 Beta @13DPO 36 Beta @17DPO 179 Beta @20DPO 679!! 6w3d hb 116 bpm! 8w3d hb 164 bpm! 10w4d hb 177-187 NT scan 12w2d hb 173-everything looks great! 14w4d-everything still looks great! A/S scheduled for 12/12!
Our rainbow baby is here!! Emmalynn Anne born 4/27/12 via unplanned c-section
BFP#6 Surprise! Here comes baby #2! Harper Elizabeth born 12/17/13 via c-section
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day!
My BFP Chart
Prenatal at 7w
OB at 11w
Yes, 8w is VERY normal. Also don't be surprised if you don't get an u/s right away, as most practices only do the 18-20w u/s unless there are issues with the pregnancy.
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
10-12 wks unless I start bleeding or having problems.
With my first it was at about 9 weeks
This time I ave no idea how far along I am and went i yesturday at some where between 3 and 8 weeks they are not sure last period was in August but nothing is showing on the ultra sound so we are waiting on blood work will know today
My first appointment was at 6 wks, and I had a vaginal u/s. It also happened to be the day after finding out I was pregnant, but that was a fluke. I had an appt with my regular doc b/c my allergies were bothering me. When I told the nurse we were trying, and I hadn't had a period since early August (but I didn't think I was pregnant since I'd taken a test in late September and it was negative), the doctor decided to do a pregnancy test. When she came in to talk to me, she told me I was pregnant, so no allergy meds for me. Surprise! I'd already had an appt with an Ob/Gyn the next day to get checked out, so when they called to confirm my appointment, I told them my regular doc had just told me I was pregnant, and when my last period was, so they went ahead and had me come in. After doing the u/s, they informed me I was at 6 wks, 1 day at the time.
They also did bloodwork to check my hormone levels, got a family history, and we talked with the ob/gyn (first time visiting this one since we just moved here a few months ago), plus got a bag of info/vitamins. He wants to see me when I'm 10 weeks, and said we'll try to listen to the heartbeat then.