On Monday:Hi. I had my first ultrasound last week at when I thought I was 7 weeks based on LMP. The doctor said I must've ovulated later because I looked to be late 5th week/6th week. We saw the gestational sac, yolk sac and a fetal pole. She ordered bloodwork to check my hcg and progesterone level and just called me to say both levels were good. She ordered another hcg level check though to make sure it's going up. She didn't seem to be in a rush to check it though as she told me I could stop in tomorrow or Wednesday. She also has me scheduled for another ultrasound next Wednesday, the 19th. I've been terrified the past couple of days, but is this news towards the more positive side?Today:I went in for the bloodwork to check the hcg level yesterday and just got the call from the doctor that my levels more than doubled from the original good numbers and she said it looks like I'm just earlier than from lmp (my cycles are 32-33 days, not 28 so I get that now) and she said to quote "I know you were stressed but it looks good so go ahead an live a little." I'm scared to get excited but I do feel a bit more at ease.
This is great news! I've been measuring a week and half behind my LMP since the beginning. It was super scary at first but we have a growing baby with an increasingly strong heartbeat so keep your head up!
DS #1 born 05/25/2012 BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss DS #2 born 4/08/2014 BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM BFP#5 - 9/22/2016 * formally bornmommy
Re: Good news? (Update)

"Everything happens for a reason"
I'm was in same boat and am such a worrier too. Glad things are well
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy