1st Trimester

Breakfast and lunch ideas...

Hi all.  I'm new to the forum. :)  Sorry if this is a repeat post.

I usually have Stonyfield yogurt for breakfast, but read an interesting article the other day about how eating yogurt during pregnancy can increase your child's chances of having asthma/hay fever later on down the road.  https://abcnews.go.com/Health/eating-low-fat-yogurt-pregnancy-increase-kids-asthma/story?id=14554369

Now I am not so sure if I should continue eating my daily yogurt!

 I have celiac disease, so I am already limited to what I can and can't have.

 Lunch I usually had a sandwich on gluten free bread, but now that I can't eat lunchmeat unless it's heated up, I'm not really enjoying hot ham sandwiches. haha

 What are some simple, tasty things that you have for breakfast and lunch?


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Re: Breakfast and lunch ideas...

  • If you can eat eggs, they are the perfect food.  However, I know with DS, there was no I could have tolerated them with my terrible MS.

    I don't have MS with this pregnancy yet, but have bouts of queasiness.

    My staple breakfast is wheat toast with either peanut butter or cream cheese.  (You could do GF bread.)

    And lunches are hard for me, so I usually make large enough dinners for there to be some leftovers for lunch.  Leftovers are a lifesaver.  So are Amy's organic microwave meals.  (And I know some of those are available GF.)

    ETA:  And I'm no doctor, but I say eat your yogurt and enjoy it.  Or upgrade it to a full fat yogurt - it's still a healthy food.  :)

    ds #1 | our perfect miracle born 39w1d | 12.9.2009 loss #1 | natural m/c 7/2010 (~8w) loss #2 | chemical pregnancy 6/2011 (4w4d) loss #3 | chemical pregnancy 7/2011 (4w3d) loss #4 | natural m/c 11/2011 (10w1d) RPL Testing 12/2011. Results 100% normal. ds #2 | our 2nd perfect miracle born 36w3d | 12.31.2012
  • I usually have toast with peanut butter or waffles with peanut butter.  I eat greek yogurt every morning too.  

    I'm not really familiar with what you can and can't have.   

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  • Unfortunately eggs give me a stomach ache. :(

     I guess I'm a PITA. haha

     I haven't had MS yet either, but have been feeling quite queasy myself.  It's rather rough.

     I did have leftover dinner from last night for lunch today.  My husband is very adament about me eating well, as I am too, but he's VERY adament, and it's pretty cute.  lol

     I would be very sad to give up my yogurt.  Maybe I will switch to the regular one, and not have the 0% fat one.  The good thing about Stonyfield is they don't have nasty fake sweeteners in them! :D

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  • Peanut butter and homemade jellies are my lifesaver right now.  When I don't feel like a sandwich, I eat PB on slices of apple or banana and get nice a full for a while.

    I could LIVE off of sliced up fruit, so I cut up oranges, grapefruit, grapes, apples (and throw in some marshmallows if i get crazy!) and eat that for snacks. 

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  • imagegeorgi611:

    Unfortunately eggs give me a stomach ache. :(

     I guess I'm a PITA. haha

     I haven't had MS yet either, but have been feeling quite queasy myself.  It's rather rough.

     I did have leftover dinner from last night for lunch today.  My husband is very adament about me eating well, as I am too, but he's VERY adament, and it's pretty cute.  lol

     I would be very sad to give up my yogurt.  Maybe I will switch to the regular one, and not have the 0% fat one.  The good thing about Stonyfield is they don't have nasty fake sweeteners in them! :D

    I hear you on the eggs.  I can barely tolerate eggs when I'm not pregnant.  They are definitely out for me in first tri.  

    ds #1 | our perfect miracle born 39w1d | 12.9.2009 loss #1 | natural m/c 7/2010 (~8w) loss #2 | chemical pregnancy 6/2011 (4w4d) loss #3 | chemical pregnancy 7/2011 (4w3d) loss #4 | natural m/c 11/2011 (10w1d) RPL Testing 12/2011. Results 100% normal. ds #2 | our 2nd perfect miracle born 36w3d | 12.31.2012
  • I eat small snacks versus bigger meals.  But I will usually have a yougurt with granola, then a little later have some bread with pb on it, then some crackers and a V-8, hard boiled egg, etc.  It changes daily.  I also love eating cold plain cooked pasta, I know it's kind of weird.
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  • Hmm...interesting article; something I should consider now! I have asthma, allergies, and dermatological issues, and of course hate the idea of possibly passing them all on to my kids. And I love yogurt, and was eating it daily until morning sickness hit. Can't get used to it again right now though. So I've been having very awful, horrible, boring breakfasts and lunches.

    Breakfast now is usually dry cheerios and a banana. I think corn Chex or Kix are gluten-free, aren't they? Not exactly fantastic breakfasts, but if you can't think of anything else to eat, they might do.

    Lunch now usually consists of peanut butter crackers and some applesauce, because that's about all I can handle. Guess that doesn't really help you with the gluten though...Sorry! I'm stuck for suggestions. I hope you get a few good suggestions!

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  • I know, I already worry about my kids having celiac.  It's not that big of a deal, but I'd rather them not have to deal with it!

     Thanks for the suggestions everyone! 

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  • And yes, Chex are gluten free (all except the Wheat ones!) 

     I keep wanting to get a little container to put milk in to bring to work so I can have cereal at my desk!  I always forget.  Oops! :P

    I'm drooling at the thought of cold pasta.  I used to enjoy that too, before celiac.

     One of my favorite simple dishes used to be angel hair with butter and parmesan cheese.  I tried to make that with gluten free pasta (rice pasta by Tinkyada), and unfortunately, it was not the same.  Boo!

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  • hmm ive never heard you shouldnt eat yogurt. In fact I've been told that it is a great source of protein and calcium. I wouldnt worry about it personally but if you must...I eat oatmeal most days. I have no idea what you can and cannot have with your disease, sorry! im not much help. But eggs are a good idea also, or toast with peanut butter or jam? I also eat alot of fruit at breakfast.

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  • Oh you should check this out too....she has quite a few gluten free recipes that may give you some food ideas:



  • Thanks!  I will check that site out!

    Stonyfield makes a yummy greek yogurt.  I've had the honey one before.  Maybe I will switch to those! :)

      I can have oatmeal, but only certified gluten free oatmeal, and that normally does not come in easy instant packets, and I never leave myself enough time to make anything in the morning before work!

     Maybe I will start bringing some toast with nutella as well to munch on.

     I've cut my coffee down to one in the afternoon.  I find that I don't need it in the morning.

     I've been craving gingerale lately as my stomach has been so queasy and jumpy.  What is the general "rule" on soda?  I guess it applies to the 200 mg. of caffeine a day, no?  Obviously regular vs. diet.

     I'm most certainly new to all of this! hehe :P

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