Close - 22 months. I'm scared to death haha. I know the beginning is going to be really hard but everyone tells me in the long run it is easier to have them closer together. I am really hoping they are right!
It's comforting to know I am not the only one. *sigh* Some days I feel like life is crazy with just one! What will two be like? It took us 9 months to get pregnant with DD. One time (not planned) with this LO. It'll all be good, I just have to work through this freaking out phase I think.
I am super nervous for what is to come. My kids will also be 20months apart. I know we will get through it. From friends and family members, they have told me that in the begining is really hard but it gets easier. I am just preparing for it to be really rough :-)
BFP#4: 2/2/19, EDD 10/8/19 BFP#3: 9/4/11, EDD 5/13/12, DD Born 5/14/12 BFP#2: 5/8/11, EDD 1/24/12 missed mc
BFP#1: 1/24/10, EDD 9/24/10, DD Born 9/25/10
Mine are 24 months and 1 weeks. It has been wonderful. I won't lie, the first few months were hard....but now it rocks. They play together well, my DD doesn't remember life before/without DS around so there aren't jealous issues (like I've seen in some of my friends where the older child was 4+), they enjoy the same toys and other things, etc.
I will say the toughest point wasn't the newborn DS days, it was actually more when I went back to work and dealing with overall household chores, keeping up with everything, etc. I learned to let a lot of things go and stop being a perfectionist and ask for help, even more than with 1 kid. But I also found that you realize so much of what you worried about with the first just wasn't worth it. (ie when is the 'perfect' time to start solids, etc)
My first 2 are 17mo apart. It was a little tough at first - but now they are great playmates and friends. DD was a great big sister/helper after DS came home from the hospital. She enjoyed getting burp rags to help mommy and holding him, with my help of course. It will take a little longer to get out the door to go some where - but you will get the hang of it. Take it one day at a time.
My son is currently 12 1/2 months and I just found out I'm 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. I took an 3 ept tests in the same day and all three had faint pink positive lines, I'm planning to retest in a couple days to make sure but assuming everything is peachy, my DS will be about 22 months when LO#2 comes! So excited.
I found out yesterday (on DD's 1st birthday) that I am expecting again. It took us over 3 years and many losses to have our DD, so I certainly wasn't expecting a surprise. Hopefully this baby is latched on well in there and settled in for a nice 9 month trip. My kids will be about 21 months apart and I am honestly scared sh*tless.
Loss #1 (missed miscarriage) 14 weeks
Loss #2 (missed miscarriage) 10 weeks
Loss #3 (chemical pregnancy)
Loss #4 (chemical pregnancy)
Loss #5 (chemical pregnancy)
my two boys are 26 months apart, it was a little tough at first, but i got them on the same sleeping and eating schedule. and it got much easier after i wasnt so sore after i had my youngest. now im pregnant with #3 and im planning on doing the same thing as if i had two, but it helps when my oldest is so independent!
My boys are 20 months apart. The only hard parts for me were trying to understand what the older one needed sometimes. He was talking but not fully understandable and it was very frustrating. I also exclusively pumped for both a full year and it was so much harder the second time. Now they adore each other and call each other best friend. They are now 16 months and turning 3.
this is my first but we plan on keeping them very close 16 to 20 months if we can. my brother and i were 12 months 2 weeks and dh and his brother were 26 months. both of us liked having siblings that close in age and as the kids grow up they will be closer to the same activities and schools which will make things easier.
My two are just under 20 months apart. The first year was pretty rough because DS2 was just not a happy baby and cried a lot until about 8 months. Once he started sleeping and we were able to sleep it was much better. He just turned 2 and I can say that the 2nd year was significantly better than the first and now my two boys have so much fun playing together.
My first 2 are 16.5 months apart and #2 and #3 will be 19-20 months apart. I LOVE it. Having 2u2 is SO much easier than I even imagined. We planned our first two to be so close together and I wouldn't change it for the world. We weren't planning on having a 3rd so close (we actually were planning to wait a few years then do 2u2 again) but I'm excited to have our kids so close in age. Not to say that there aren't crazy & stress but it is so worth it.
My sister and I are 13 months apart... and my mom survived! We get along very well now, and I love having a sister so close in age. You can do it!
Married my best friend May 24, 2008
BFP #1 9/1/11, EDD 5/15/12, Missed M/C at 9w4d, discovered at 11w3d, D&C 11/2/11
BFP #2 6/20/12, Baby Boy born 3/2/13
BFP #3 October 2016, EDD 6/11/17
I am lurking and reminiscing. Mine are 19 months apart and I agree with madhatter, it was harder for me when I went back to work and juggling the schedule with 2, which I am still trying to figure out. How do I race home from work, leave work AT WORK and deal with 2 bath times and 2 bedtimes before 2 meltdowns. I think/hope that it'll get easier once they can take a bath together. It's hard but I wouldn't have it any other way - I love having them close together! Its scary, but SO manageable and worth it!! GL
My DD and DS are 21 months apart our third will be 28 months apart... It was hard with the first two but do-able. DS was an amazing baby! But I have a feeling he is going to have a tough time adapting to a younger sibling... DD was also amazing adjusting when DS arrived it was like he had always been there.
Now they are so sweet together and love each other so much:)
No experience yet...ours will be about 18 months apart and I really am not feeling overwhelmed (yet) LOL I have a 10 year old and DS is the easiest baby so that's probably why I am not worried. Good luck and Congrats!
Re: Advice: my kids will be 20 months apart. Eek!
BFP#3: 9/4/11, EDD 5/13/12, DD Born 5/14/12
BFP#2: 5/8/11, EDD 1/24/12 missed mc
BFP#1: 1/24/10, EDD 9/24/10, DD Born 9/25/10
Mine are 24 months and 1 weeks. It has been wonderful. I won't lie, the first few months were hard....but now it rocks. They play together well, my DD doesn't remember life before/without DS around so there aren't jealous issues (like I've seen in some of my friends where the older child was 4+), they enjoy the same toys and other things, etc.
I will say the toughest point wasn't the newborn DS days, it was actually more when I went back to work and dealing with overall household chores, keeping up with everything, etc. I learned to let a lot of things go and stop being a perfectionist and ask for help, even more than with 1 kid. But I also found that you realize so much of what you worried about with the first just wasn't worth it. (ie when is the 'perfect' time to start solids, etc)

DS will be 27months when LO is born....
2U2 is ruff, but it'll be nice in the long run. Hopefully they'll be BFF's
My sister and I are 13 months apart... and my mom survived! We get along very well now, and I love having a sister so close in age. You can do it!
BFP #1 9/1/11, EDD 5/15/12, Missed M/C at 9w4d, discovered at 11w3d, D&C 11/2/11
BFP #2 6/20/12, Baby Boy born 3/2/13
BFP #3 October 2016, EDD 6/11/17
My kids were 22 months apart and it was awesome. Tiring. Hard. Frustrating at times. But mostly awesome.
Hey, it must not have been too bad, b/c I'm going for 3u4.
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14