1st Trimester

What a Day!!! (tmi)

This morning woke up with brown spotting/bleeding soon after turned to dark red and constant pad changing no cramping.. So after numerous voice mails to O.B triage nurse (because I am not a actual patient yet and they can not legally help) Went to E.R  4 hrs later after ultra sound in/out which saw nothing baby like way too early which was already known and taking blood test beta has gone up and apparently I have cysts that could be causing the bleeding or ectopic pregnancy.. Have to get blood work drawn every two days to make sure #'s go up. And follow up u/s in week! Well in the end at least #'s are up and going . Doc and Tech says probably able to rule out ectopic pregnancy but wont know for sure until later on. And apparently some people have spotting/ Bleeding whole pregnancy (yey). So really right now needed a little venting to be done so sorry for this girls but can't really talk to anyone else yet other then DH and he was with me the whole time!

Thanks for listening!

Re: What a Day!!! (tmi)

  • Hey hun, I am in the same boat. Although I have a OBGYN.. im 5 weeks 5day. They did not see fetal pole when i went to ER few days ago. They tested my blood hcg levels... only 426 still early... however, I am RH- they gave me Rhogam shot to help with pregnancy bleeding. I am bleeding dark brown spots and its been going on for five days just spotting and now alittle on pad. No enough to call a period. If its dark brown they say its old... not to worry about that at all!! Alot of women spot dark brown blood all first trimester. However do keep up with your HCG levels make sure they are going up... and if they dont double within 48hr no worries as long as they go up 60% or so... 
  • Oh thanks for your response I'm trying so hard to relax it's just awful hard..
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