I was just wondering if/when everyone has announced their pregnancy? I told family and close friends around 6 weeks...but now wondering about sharing with everyone else? I realize it is a personal choice just curious to poll this question! TIA
We told our families shortly after getting our BFP, but it made it 100x harder when we had a M/C, so this time we are definitely waiting till we are out of the 1st trimester!
We told family this past weekend since (Canadian Thanksgiving) all the family was together anyway. However I'm only 8 weeks now and won't be telling friends/work until we're at least out of my first trimester. Hard because I'm so pukey an exhausted, I'd kinda like the sympathetic excuse for being so forgetful/inattentive.
I just got my BFP today, and I told DH (obviously LOL) and 1 friend. I plan on telling my Mom & Dad on Sunday when we go for dinner. Then maybe just my boss at work so she is aware so they can accomodate drs appts etc. Then no one else until 8-12 weeks, depending on the 1st US.
We told everyone after we saw the heart beat. I was 7 weeks. Next time around, it's our secret until 2nd trimester. As hard as it will be for me to keep it quiet, I'm potentially having some complications right now and I would not want to have to tell all those people that I lost the baby if it happens.
With DD, I told most people right away. It was just fine for us.
When I had my chemical pregnancy, I didn't find out I was pregnant until after I knew I was losing the baby. It was really hard to have to tell people that I was pregnant while I was telling them that I was losing it. I needed the support, though.
With this pregnancy (I found out today) we are telling our parents, my sister, and two ladies I am really close with. We will tell the rest of our friends/family later and announce on Facebook after 1st tri.
We told our immediate family this past weekend (7.5 weeks), and after we heard the heartbeat. We will tell some extended family after our next ultrasound (today). We will tell everyone else after the first trimester.
Our families found out around 9 weeks after our first appointment. Our closest coworkers found out shortly thereafter since I haven't been feeling well and my DH was having to leave work to take care of me. I'm planning to tell others at work and not care about keeping it secret after our 12 week appointment, which is in less than 2 weeks.
We told our immediate families at 8 weeks this time. We did this also with our first pregnancy(DD). My 2nd pregnancy we told everyone at like 4 weeks and that resulted in a M/C. We will start telling everyone after my 12 week appt/possibly after the next U/S at 12w2d.
BFP#4: 2/2/19, EDD 10/8/19 BFP#3: 9/4/11, EDD 5/13/12, DD Born 5/14/12 BFP#2: 5/8/11, EDD 1/24/12 missed mc
BFP#1: 1/24/10, EDD 9/24/10, DD Born 9/25/10
Last time I feel like we were so excited we told everyone right away! This time we have told our family so far and are going to wait a while, how long we haven't decided yet, to tell everyone else.
Re: Announcing??
We told our families shortly after getting our BFP, but it made it 100x harder when we had a M/C, so this time we are definitely waiting till we are out of the 1st trimester!
With DD, I told most people right away. It was just fine for us.
When I had my chemical pregnancy, I didn't find out I was pregnant until after I knew I was losing the baby. It was really hard to have to tell people that I was pregnant while I was telling them that I was losing it. I needed the support, though.
With this pregnancy (I found out today) we are telling our parents, my sister, and two ladies I am really close with. We will tell the rest of our friends/family later and announce on Facebook after 1st tri.
We told our immediate family this past weekend (7.5 weeks), and after we heard the heartbeat. We will tell some extended family after our next ultrasound (today). We will tell everyone else after the first trimester.
BFP#3: 9/4/11, EDD 5/13/12, DD Born 5/14/12
BFP#2: 5/8/11, EDD 1/24/12 missed mc
BFP#1: 1/24/10, EDD 9/24/10, DD Born 9/25/10