1st Trimester

What a Relief to hear that Heart after the past few days of worry!

We had our 1st ultrasound last wednesday at 6 weeks and the heartbeat was strong, then over the weekend I started spotting and cramping.  By yesterday I was bleeding red and had passed a couple quarter sized blood clots.  I was sure that I had or was having a miscarriage.  

Well happy to report I just had an Ultra sound this afternoon and the baby has grown and the heartbeat is very strong. Big Smile  My Dr. notice a slight tear on my Uterus and told me to keep using the pregesterone gel and take it easy and she would see me in a week.  So, for all of you that have bleeding and mild cramping don't assume the worse and worry too much if you can help it.  People told me to stop worrying but its impossible.  

So Happy! 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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