1st Trimester

HCG Level Help

Worried about my HCG levels... I am 5 weeks... we saw a sac no fetal pole yet. HCG Levels check OCt4th (328) and Oct10th (426)... Took more levels today. Im bit worried but feel fine No pains.. i feel pregnant. I do have some brown spotting not heavey but enough to get on toilet paper almost everytime I pee.  Is this okay?
 New HCg level was taken today and I will find out tomorrow. I am praying! This is my first and We have been trying so hard! I am already in love with this baby embryo!! 




Re: HCG Level Help

  • My doctor told me that you typically can't see anything until the HCG levels are above 1500-2000. So try not to worry too much, although I know how hard it is.
  • Your numbers are low but you could just be off to a slow start. My numbers are not even close to doubling and I am just taking it day by day and hoping for the best.
    Beta 9/28/11 2953 Beta 9/30/11 4212 Beta 10/6/11 7051 Beta 10/8/11 7753 M/C @ 9 weeks
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  • okay maybe that is whats going on... its def early for sure to see anything.  Its really weird because I have been spotting brown and sometimes there is nothing and sometimes when i get up from laying down its alittle more that get on a pad but still not even close to a period!
  • I don't want to sound negative here or be the bad news bear.  But your numbers should double every 48 hours until they get to a certain point (above 15,000).  I just want you to be prepared for the worst.  My felt pregnant until 8 weeks with my blighted ovum - there never was a fetal pole - it's bizarre that that can happen. 

    It does sound like your doctor is doing everything they should.  Hopefully you get an answer soon.  This is all such a waiting game.  Hang in there.

    ME: 31 PCOS - DH: 32 Perfect. 
    TTC #1 started 8.2010. 
    BFP #1 3.2.11Blighted ovum, missed m/c, 4.3.11-6.22.11 Provera

    BFP #2 Aug 2011 Clomid 50mg+Met missed m/c found 9w5d | cytotec 10.26.11 
    BFP #3 - CD36 - Jan. 2012 - 100mg Clomid + 2000met-  Baby Boy born 10.06.12 with 1 in a billion CHD. Perfect otherwise. 

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    Open Heart Surgery @ 5 months old.Happy, healthy, and as normal as could be!  We thank God every day.EP/BF for 12.5 months

    TTC#2 - November 2012

    BFP #4:  O'd on CD25 (Aug. 2014).  DD May 6, 2015. RCS planned.
    Beta@14dpo: 184, 17dpo: 520.  44 hr. doubling time.  p4: 54U/S 8 weeks 1 day, 161 bpm
  • I am certainly praying and trying to hang in here. Waiting is so tough! My hcg level will tell the story tomorrow.. Thank you ladies!! Yes my doctor is great! I understand he can only tell me what my chances are and I know he not trying to be neg But it sure hurts! Truth will tell tomorrow with my levels! ;) Ill keep everyone posted!
  • We're in almost the same place together. I have to get my 2nd beta blood draw tomorrow to see if I'm doubling. They did a sono yesterday to try and give me a due date and they found a sac but no fetal pole. They're thinking i should be around 6 weeks but they're not sure. Everyone has been telling me to try not to worry but I agree with you it's hard not to but it is the best thing for us to do. Good luck!
    Loving Wife to Adam- July 31, 2010
    You Grew in My Heart instead of My Tummy
    Proud Step-Mama to Clayton- 11/8/03
    Proud Step-Mama to Amelia- 11/16/04
    Proud Step-Mama to Brennan- 6/10/06
    TTC OUR first
    BFP#1 10/8/11, Blightened Ovum 10/17/11, D&C 10/18/11 @ 7w4d
    BFP#2 6/10/12, EDD 2/14/13 ~Team Green! Grow baby Grow! Stick baby Stick!! IT'S A GIRL!!! Abbigaile Mae 2/21/13 7lbs 6oz 21inches 4:15am
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • JM4JM4 member

    Hey! Im in the same boat as you! I went in yesterday at 5 weeks and 4 days my hcg level was 287 and progestrone was 4.3. dr said levels are really low and i will probably miscarry. After reading online all day I went and demanded he put me on progestrone instead of sitting and waiting for a miscarriage. Ive been taking the vaginal supositories since last night and havent had as much brown spotting! I go back on Monday to get blood work done again! let me know what your levels are when you get your results! goodluck


  • I wish the best for you! I hope everything turns out great! But yes its most cert hard to not worry!! I was reading about the progest supplement and most DR say not to take it until your first ovulation month before you get pregnant.. I wonder if its okay to take while pregnant now if you haven't even started yet?
  • My beta levels are all in my siggy so you can check them out... they were also really low and not doubling properly but I'm over 11 weeks now and everything seems to be going great with my pregnancy. Don't worry about it just yet! Good luck. 
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  • Wow ashley Thats awesome!! I am so glad for u!! Did you have any brown spotting? And what was your HCg levels around 5 weeks? DId u have a fetal pole at 5 weeks? Sorry for all the questions I was just wondering ... trying to ease my mind. 
  • I'm worried myself.  I had a blood test last week (about 5 weeks) and my levels were at 42!  They said it was a low result, but not necessarily cause for  concern, perhaps just earlier than we thought.  It will have to be retested, I believe next week to see progress.  Of course I am thinking about it every moment though.  Sorry, nothing to ease your mind but misery loves company, so just thought I'd tell you I am in the same boat!
  • Maybe u are early... really sounds like your only 3 weeks maybe... Is this your first hcg level? Are you spotting? Cramping? If not your probably okay ;)
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