Worried about my HCG levels... I am 5 weeks... we saw a sac no fetal pole yet. HCG Levels check OCt4th (328) and Oct10th (426)... Took more levels today. Im bit worried but feel fine No pains.. i feel pregnant. I do have some brown spotting not heavey but enough to get on toilet paper almost everytime I pee. Is this okay?
New HCg level was taken today and I will find out tomorrow. I am praying! This is my first and We have been trying so hard! I am already in love with this baby embryo!!
Re: HCG Level Help
I don't want to sound negative here or be the bad news bear. But your numbers should double every 48 hours until they get to a certain point (above 15,000). I just want you to be prepared for the worst. My felt pregnant until 8 weeks with my blighted ovum - there never was a fetal pole - it's bizarre that that can happen.
It does sound like your doctor is doing everything they should. Hopefully you get an answer soon. This is all such a waiting game. Hang in there.
Open Heart Surgery @ 5 months old.Happy, healthy, and as normal as could be! We thank God every day.EP/BF for 12.5 months
TTC#2 - November 2012
BFP #4: O'd on CD25 (Aug. 2014). DD May 6, 2015. RCS planned.
Beta@14dpo: 184, 17dpo: 520. 44 hr. doubling time. p4: 54U/S 8 weeks 1 day, 161 bpm
You Grew in My Heart instead of My Tummy
Proud Step-Mama to Clayton- 11/8/03
Proud Step-Mama to Amelia- 11/16/04
Proud Step-Mama to Brennan- 6/10/06
TTC OUR first
BFP#1 10/8/11, Blightened Ovum 10/17/11, D&C 10/18/11 @ 7w4d
BFP#2 6/10/12, EDD 2/14/13 ~Team Green! Grow baby Grow! Stick baby Stick!! IT'S A GIRL!!! Abbigaile Mae 2/21/13 7lbs 6oz 21inches 4:15am
Hey! Im in the same boat as you! I went in yesterday at 5 weeks and 4 days my hcg level was 287 and progestrone was 4.3. dr said levels are really low and i will probably miscarry. After reading online all day I went and demanded he put me on progestrone instead of sitting and waiting for a miscarriage. Ive been taking the vaginal supositories since last night and havent had as much brown spotting! I go back on Monday to get blood work done again! let me know what your levels are when you get your results! goodluck