1st Trimester

What do you miss most since you got your BFP

Most days its my coffee.

Over the weekend it was fresh apple cider at a u-pick place.

Yesterday it was real bleu cheese and a glass of white wine.

Who knows what tomorrow will be.



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Re: What do you miss most since you got your BFP

  • Wine wine wine... and blue cheese and sushi...:(
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  • Sleeping longer than 4hours at a time - I have to get up and pee all the time.

    The more than occassional glass of white wine.

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  • WINE! 

     ReDDD - you can still have blue cheese as long as its pasturized.  Most cheeses you buy in the grocery store are.  Just thought I'd bring a little bit of happiness to your day.  :)

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  • Margaritas, red wine, medium rare ribeye steak.  Although, the thought of alcohol now makes me want to throw up.
  • The old me would have said my red wine, but right now I just want my energy back. Sleep
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  • imageDeltadawn8:

    The more than occassional glass of white wine.

    THIS! but red!

    I have allowed myself a few tiny glasses since entering the 2nd tri but I am not ashamed to admit that I miss a friday night movie/couch night finishing off an entire bottle :)

    DH and I buy one bottle for every month I can't drink for me to enjoy post-pregnancy. Started doing the same with beer since all of my fall favorites are out! 

  • ADVIL!!!!!!

     It's the only thing that can touch my chronic TMJ pain.  Tylenol is a JOKE.  

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  • imagecharmschool:


     It's the only thing that can touch my chronic TMJ pain.  Tylenol is a JOKE.  

    This is my number one as well!

    Also, being able to stay awake past 8:30pm and my morning triple shot real latte.

    Love: 8.10.99
    Marriage: 12.18.04
    DD1: 5.19.10
    DD2: 4.11.12
    #3 EDD 4.23.16

  • I would have to say sleeping through the night and Advil... Tylenol just doesn't cut it for me...
  • Miss lily!  Yes once I am in my 2nd tri I will treat myself to the occasional half glass of wine btu right now....I think I should lay off. 

     I sort of knew taht about blue cheese but if you don't know where it came from (ie: at my office cafe)  I feel like I shold lay off it...or am I wrong :)...its not like I eat it every day or anything

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  • imageRedDDD:

    Miss lily!  Yes once I am in my 2nd tri I will treat myself to the occasional half glass of wine btu right now....I think I should lay off. 

     I sort of knew taht about blue cheese but if you don't know where it came from (ie: at my office cafe)  I feel like I shold lay off it...or am I wrong :)...its not like I eat it every day or anything

    Hmm...I wouldn't stress about it to be honest.  I'd maybe stay away from Brie or something like that, but if it's once in a blue moon (mind the pun!  hee hee), I'm sure your blue cheese will be fine.  Most of the blue cheese I've seen in the grocery store is pasterized.  Gorgonzonla however, might be a different story.

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  • I miss not being nauseated by the thought of everything in this post...
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  • imageLilyPotter218:

    The more than occassional glass of white wine.

    THIS! but red!

    I have allowed myself a few tiny glasses since entering the 2nd tri but I am not ashamed to admit that I miss a friday night movie/couch night finishing off an entire bottle :)

    DH and I buy one bottle for every month I can't drink for me to enjoy post-pregnancy. Started doing the same with beer since all of my fall favorites are out! 

     We are sooooo going to do this! If i can keep DH from it lol I really want same Jack's Pumpkin beer!

  • Ooo, my list is rather lengthy:

    • RED Wine (oh...how I miss you....)
    • Advil/Ibuprophen (Big middle finger to Tylenol for doing NOTHING)
    • Red wine...
    • Staying awake later (hello pillow, 8:30-9:30)
    • Red wine...
    • Sleeping in past 5am (thank you, bladder)
    • Red wine...
    • Not being a paranoid freak, washing my hands like a dr before surgery, after cleaning out the litter box
    • Red wine..
    • Delicious forbidden cheeses...
    • Did I mention: Red Wine?
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    Visit The Nest!
    "Everything happens for a reason"
  • Oh yea, and roller coasters!!


    Fright Fest at 6 Flags is coming up...I had plans to go but then found out I was pregnant.

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    "Everything happens for a reason"
  • Haunted Houses (which I'm not personally willing to take the chance on), dinner (since I am really sick at night and can't get anything down), and red wine.
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  • imageprettybird05:
    Haunted Houses (which I'm not personally willing to take the chance on), dinner (since I am really sick at night and can't get anything down), and red wine.

    This. But make mine white wine (riesling is sooo yummy!). I also miss my energy. I can't even do a load of laundry without being exhausted from going up and down a flight of stairs a couple of times! UGH!

    BFP 9/8/10... D&C 10/18/10
    RIP Angel Bear We will always love and miss you xoxo

    BFP 10/7/2011; EDD 7/15/12 - STICK BABY STICK!!!!

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  • Sushi!!! Me and my girl friends would go every month on a date night and get the best Sushi in the world!!! Come June 1st I'm having sushi!!
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  • sleeping for more then half an hour to an hour at a time.
    My little pumpkin was born at 34weeks, weighing 3lbs, due to severe IUGR & Unexplained Placental Insufficiency. He spent 49 days in the NICU. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers imageimageimageimageimageimage
  • Wine, Wine, Wine -- Red Wine, White Wine, Rose, Champagne!

    That and being able to sleep through the night w/o getting up to pee.


    Check the label on the fresh apple cider at your markets -- I was able to find pastureized apple cider pretty easily (although the one at the apple orchard was not pastureized).  I used the apple cider mixed with water in the SodaStream machine and made my own "sparkling cider" -- WAY better than the horribly sweet bottled stuff.  Kind of a make your own champagne to feel a little festive.

  • Cookie dough, brownie batter, cake batter...

  • Coffee, iced tea, sleeping through the night, rollercoasters (I couldn't ride anything but the ferris wheel at Oktoberfest. It was sad having to watch DH and friends ride all the fun rides) and beer!


    For SuzyQ and all March 15 loss moms


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  • I really don't miss anything. After two years of trying and multiple laproscopies, IVF and a miscarriage, I am thankful every pregnant moment. :)
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  • The ability to breathe through my nose.....
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  • imagecandee817:
    pepsi and raspberry iced tea!

    You have to drink about 8-10 glasses of strong red raspberry leaf tea to even come close to softening your cervix. And even that is debatable.

    If you're drinking tea with raspberry flavoring you're fine.  

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  • Sushi! I told my hubby when this baby is out he's taking me for sushi, and I'm gonna eat a ton of it! lol
    Number 3 Here we come! BabyFruit Ticker
  • I miss all my energy and not dry heaving every 5 min.  I haven't really missed not drinking. I have a friend who invited me out sat for his bday at a club and I am hesitant. No one knows yet so it will be hard to hide. Plus I can't wear my cute dresses anymore Huh?


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  • DH and I go out most Sundays after church for brunch with all you can drink champagne... This Sunday we went and it just wasn't the same without the champagne-- he didn't even want to drink it since I wasn't!  I kinda miss drinking when we're watching football, but at this point I'm too tired to really care.  The thing I miss the most is sleeping through the night without waking up from crazy dreams and having to pee 5843 times. 

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  • My Energy and deli turkey sandwiches. When I get to the 2nd trimester I'm totally having a turkey sub!  When I was pregnant with DS, I still ate them, but this time Im paranoid because of a loss at 9 weeks last year.

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  • I miss not keeping secrets from people! We aren't telling anyone yet, and I'm tired of answering "not much" when my mom asks what's new, or making excuses for why I'm not drinking. I'm so paranoid all the time, I feel like I'm walking around with a big flashing "I'm pregnant!" sign.
    BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

    BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

    BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15

    BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

    Just keep swimming.
  • Sushi!! DH and I had sushi about once a week, and we especially like the raw rolls.  I'm waiting until my 2nd trimester to have some cooked rolls.

     I also miss Red Bull! Some days at work, it's the only way that I can get through an afternoon! :)

    TTC Since July 2008.
    Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
    Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
    Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
    9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
    FET 1 3/2013 BFN
    FET 2 5/2013 BFN
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  • a good glass of red wine

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
    BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
    BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
    BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
    Our little man is getting bigger every day!
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  • I just miss enjoying food in general! I have no desire to eat now :(
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  • Wine and beer, sigh. I love pumpkin beer - i'm so sad right now that everyone is drinking it but me!


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  • WINE WINE WINE WINE....and runny eggs mmm....but mostly the wine!

    Audrey is going to be a big sister!

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