1st Trimester

Pregnancy hormones are making me crazy.

Is there anyone else out there who HATES shortened forms of the word pregnant? Such as, preggo, pregs, preggers?

I hate them so much. And I have a friend who insists on calling me by those things as if they're my name literally every time I talk to her. It's driving me insane. I know she's excited. But I'm getting so tired of being called "preggo" "preggy" "pregs" "preggers" "hot mama" "baby mama".

I know that I should not be this annoyed by this. Why am I so crazy?!

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Re: Pregnancy hormones are making me crazy.

  • You're not crazy. A lot of women hate those words. I'm not one of them, they don't really phase me.
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  • I absolutely positively hate them.  And I have friends that use them ALL THE TIME.  
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  • imageACC0512:
    I absolutely positively hate them.  And I have friends that use them ALL THE TIME.  

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I've been getting so irritated, but I really don't know how to tell her. "Hey, stop saying those horrendous words, they're driving me insane" ? So I just don't and get really annoyed when people say them.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagekmh1203:

    I absolutely positively hate them.  And I have friends that use them ALL THE TIME.  

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I've been getting so irritated, but I really don't know how to tell her. "Hey, stop saying those horrendous words, they're driving me insane" ? So I just don't and get really annoyed when people say them.

    Yeah...there's really not any way you can say STOP SAYING THAT YOU ARE MAKING MY EARS BLEED! with out sounding a little cray-cray. :) 

  • I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE all shortened forms of the word pregnant. My husband told me I had to choose if he could say preggo or preggers. I told him if he just HAD to say one or the other I would prefer preggers (preggo reminds me of spaghetti sauce). Either way, I think they're all tacky and I'd prefer none of them.
  • imageACC0512:

    I absolutely positively hate them.  And I have friends that use them ALL THE TIME.  

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I've been getting so irritated, but I really don't know how to tell her. "Hey, stop saying those horrendous words, they're driving me insane" ? So I just don't and get really annoyed when people say them.

    Yeah...there's really not any way you can say STOP SAYING THAT YOU ARE MAKING MY EARS BLEED! with out sounding a little cray-cray. :) 


    I hate it too and told my friend to cut it out before I went hormonal crazy on her. She just laughed and she stopped. At this point she just expects me to have mood swings so it doesn't phase her lol.

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