I got my positive test result Sunday. Thurs, Fri and Sat my tests were all negative. I went in for my first blood test yesterday (Monday) and my hcg level was at a 27. My doctor said "he would like to see the level higher but it could be low because we are catching this so early". I'm not even a full four weeks yet. Tomorrow I have my second draw and I'm praying it doubles.
Has anyone else had low levels their first draw and gone on to have a healthy baby? I am terrified.
Re: Low hcg...help?
I found this and thought it might be helpful:
https://www.americanpregnancy.org/duringpregnancy/hcglevels.htmlIf this helps any, I went in to confirm my pregnancy the doctors they day after I got my BFP and they told me the test was negative and to come back in a couple of days. So, I went back to have them tell me again that my test came back negative (all along I was getting positives with HPTs). I asked if they could draw my blood which they did.
Test results came back with HCG at 85. They told me that they though it might be a chemical pregnancy but to come back in a week to get my blood drawn again. Went back and boom my numbers went from 85 to 3,000 and some change in a week. So there is hope just keep thinking positive. I hope the best for you!!
BFP#1 05/19/10 M/C 6/4/10 d/x threatened m/c 6/6/10 m/c confirmed
BFP#2 10/26/10 M/C 11/01/10
BFP#3 11/28/10 C/P 11/29/10
BFP#4 02/23/11 M/C 3/1/11
BFP#5 08/13/11 EDD 04/27/12 Beta @11DPO 8.79 Beta @13DPO 36 Beta @17DPO 179 Beta @20DPO 679!! 6w3d hb 116 bpm! 8w3d hb 164 bpm! 10w4d hb 177-187 NT scan 12w2d hb 173-everything looks great! 14w4d-everything still looks great! A/S scheduled for 12/12!
Our rainbow baby is here!! Emmalynn Anne born 4/27/12 via unplanned c-section
BFP#6 Surprise! Here comes baby #2! Harper Elizabeth born 12/17/13 via c-section
Stay calm and dont stress. I know thats easier said than done. I just went through this a few days ago. On Oct 3rd I got 3 BFP HPT's and so on Oct 4th I got into my Dr and she did a urine and Hcg both showed positive pregnancy. They got me in with an OB on Oct 10th. Well my normal Dr didnt tell me the Beta Hcg level but i didnt think much of it, well at my OB appointment yesterday the OB Dr told me my Beta levels were only at 35 on Oct 4th which was incredibly low, and before she ever examined me she pretty much went over all the miscarrage information which horrified me, especially since all they do now early on is send you home and make you wait it out. Well anyways i demanded she draw a new Beta Hcg level because I am a nurse and i refuse to give up, and so she did and they rushed it at the Hospital and 1 hour later we got the phone call that my Beta Hcg level was over 400 and that showed in the last week I had been doubling every 48-72 hours just like I was supposed to, we just caught my pregnancy really early. She thinks we are only 2 weeks preggo but if my instincts are right I think we are closer to 4. I go back in 1 month again for another draw and check to make sure i am progressing right.
My best advice is dont stress, its not good for you or the baby and it doesnt do any good. Like my mom told me, if something is going to happen you cannot control it anyways, so you just have to take a deep breath and remember its all going to be okay.
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
I got my BFP at 10DPO and had my first blood draw at only 12DPO. My numbers were low (88), but the OB told me that was exactly what he expected to see at that early stage in my pregnancy. I've had 2 appointments since and my numbers have gone up as expected and I had a great U/S (got to see the heartbeat)!!
If it is still very early, a level of 27 can be perfectly normal. Please keep in mind that normal hCG levels vary GREATLY and as long as you are in the normal range and your numbers are doubling as expected then you shouldn't worry. And also, you should never base your numbers on anyone else's (again, because they can vary so drastically). I got myself worked up after getting my first hCG numbers because I read of other women on this board whose numbers were so much higher. But right now I am past 9 weeks and everything looks as good as it possibly could at this point.
Can I ask how many DPO you were when you had your blood drawn?
In either event, good luck to you and try not to worry.
GOOD NEWS. I went in today and they were expecting about a 54 (double) and I drew a 129. Awesome.
I have NO IDEA how many DPO I was. I just calculated how far along I was by the day of my last period. I had JUST gotten into the fertility specialist two days before I found out I was pregnant. Since I was already a patient (for two days, ha) they had me come in for blood testing the day after I got my positive result.
We had a miscarraige a year ago and since then I haven't had normal periods. I will go months without having one. I just suspected that was what was happening again so I didn't think to track my ovulation.
I'm glad everything is going well for you. Nine weeks seems so far away. Congrats to you and thank you so much for your post it was very encouraging.