After having my second spotting (just a bit of brown in my underwear, nothing when I wipe) I'm curious bout different possible reasons for spotting. Its not that I'm super freaked out, maybe a little but I'm more curious. I know for some it means m/c and for others it means nothing, that's why I'm so curious.
I know mine isn't from sex, haven't felt up for that since we found out. Thanks ladies!
Re: what are possible reasons for spotting in the first tri?,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=9e591de4759238de&biw=1366&bih=592
google is your friend.
As mentioned; sex, low progesterone.
Also depending on how far along you are it could be implantation bleeding. And for some women it is even "normal" to bleed during your pregnancy and not be having a problem. There are other things that I can't remember too and if you haven't read it yet, that google link probably lists them out.
BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014
I had spotting for 2 weeks from weeks 5-7, mine was a very light pink almost nude color.I was freaking out but an Ultrasound confirmed it wasnt coming from my ovaries and the US tech declared it was in fact coming from my cervix, she explained to me that your cervix has a lot more blood flow to it and many tiny vessels which sometimes can break causing a slight amount of bleeding and that the cervix can be very sensitive but nothing to worry about. Hope thats helpful