Hi ladies! Today I had my first doctor's appointment. My LMP was on Aug 5th. My DH & I tried on Aug 16th and 19th. I got AF a few days early but it wasn't a normal period. After doing some research I'm pretty sure it was implantation bleeding. I missed my next period which would have made me 9 weeks last Friday. Today at my appointment the doc said that my baby measures only 6 weeks but that the heartbeat is strong.
Anyone measure smaller than you thought you were? I'm spot on my dates for TTC - those are the only 2 possible dates it could have happened since we didn't even try in September. I asked the doc if this was normal and she said she has seen it before.
Oh and to add to the confusion and stress - I have to go back next week because they are unsure if there are 2 heartbeats! One is a certain. The other one they aren't sure if it's a a bleed or if there is a blimp on the radar.
Ohh my heart.. Anyone have anything similiar like this happen? TIA!
Re: Anyone measure smaller than expected?
yupp.. click here
I just posted almost the exact same situation. Except they don't want to see me for another 4 weeks which is driving me crazy.
Missed Miscarriage discovered at 9w6d
D&E 10.27.2011
I'll love you forever Baby Speck
Good! Hoping you see the growth you are expecting!
Yes! I went to the ER because of some spotting this past weekend. It had been 7 weeks since the first day of my LMP, so I thought I would be measuring at 7 weeks. I measured at 5 weeks, 2 days. According to my calculations, 5 weeks and 2 days ago is when we conceived, but I thought I should have measured from the first day of my LMP? I am still a little confused at the whole thing but yes I measured smaller than expected.