I'm probably really paranoid but what do you guys think of this:
- My last period was Aug 29
- My cycles have been on average 42-50 days...
- I took 3 pregnancy tests last night that are positive and 1 this morning that's positive
I have never been able ot tell when I ovulate because of my irregular cycle. I'm worried it's a bit too early to tell if the tests are accurate because don't know how many DPO I am!
My first dr's visit isn't until Nov 1 (they couldn't get me in any sooner). What do you guys think? Am I being crazy paranoid.
Re: 4 Positives but super irregular periods so I'm worried about accuracy
my cycles started getting regular, but not exact... and i have no idea when i O'd... but I took 3 HPT's and all came back BFP's... When I called my OB's office, and said I wanted a blood test to confirm, and that I had 3 BFP's, she said that that should be enough confirmation....
I would set up a first apptointment, just in case you are!
Congrats and GL
sounds like you're pregnant. Congrats!
Most OB's will consider a pregnancy "confirmed" with a positive OTC urine test. As long as they were not blue dye tests I would say with confidence, congratulations you are KU
And waiting for the first appt is not at all uncommon. My first was at 7 weeks to pee in a cup, grabbed some paperwork and was sent on my way. First real OB appt was not until 12 weeks.