We are planning to schedule either a c-section or induction and based on babies positions right now, our doctor is letting us choose which one we prefer. Anyone regret doing a c-section and not experiencing labor/vaginal birth by choice? These are our first children so I have zero basis for comparison. Thanks for any help.
Re: Regrets about planned C-Section v. Induction?
I regret having an induction!
foley bulb + 48 hours on pitocen = stalled at 4cm
I ended up with a c-section anyways and I was miserable an extra 2 days hooked up to monitors unable to really move around and I don't think all the pitocen helped the way I felt after the c-section (which was terrible)
In hindsight I wish I had just gone iwth the c-section...but who knew the girls were head-butted in there unable to drop...
I had a vaginal birth with DS1 (water broke at 37w5d) and it was amazing. Of course contractions aren't fun, but IMO it is something special that only women, and not all women get to experience.
With my twins I had a scheduled c/s, I was TERRIFIED of the surgery (I had some irrational fear that the meds wouldn't work and I'd feel everything for some reason). The recovery wasn't any better or worse than my vaginal birth, just different. I didn't have a choice with my c/s because A was breech and my OB will only attempt a vaginal birth if both babies are head down.
Given the choice I would go for a vaginal birth any day. IMO you should never opt for surgery unless medically necessary or if you had a traumatic previous vaginal birth (nothing against those that do, it's just my opinion).
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Not a single regret. My scheduled c-section was low drama; I got a good night's sleep the night before, I went into it rested and ready. I didn't really have a choice because both babies were breech but I would have wanted a scheduled section anyway, rather than running into the issue of laboring, being exhausted and THEN having a c-section. My recovery was very easy. I realize that I was very lucky to not have any bleeding issues but that's a risk with any birth.
I did not have a good induction experience with DD1 so I decided for twins either I'd go VBAC no induction or repeat scheduled c-section if I made it that far, which I did. I was rested (sorta) and the planning was nice b/c I do have an older DD. And I'm glad I didn't labor then have a c/s recovery.
I didnt make a firm decision till the end though as I would have been happy to try VBAC and Im comfortable I kept my options open and didnt get married to one way too early sincethings can change day to day
I did not have a good induction experience with DD1 so I decided for twins either I'd go VBAC no induction or repeat scheduled c-section if I made it that far, which I did. I was rested (sorta) and the planning was nice b/c I do have an older DD. And I'm glad I didn't labor then have a c/s recovery.
I didnt make a firm decision till the end though as I would have been happy to try VBAC and Im comfortable I kept my options open and didnt get married to one way too early since things can change day to day
Are you leaning toward a C, but having doubts, and that's why you're wondering if anyone had regrets?
I think this may be a skewed way for YOU to decide what's best for you. Most people here with a c-section are happy with it. Hopefully they don't regret their experience, but that doesn't = a c-section being the best option for you, especially if you're already thinking you may regret your decision.
If you really are considering both options, you should ask for experiences from women who had each. Plenty of women on this board have had great twin vaginal deliveries (myself included... even better than my singleton ones). Goldie and I have similar experiences with our singletons and horrible tearing from those deliveries. She had a c-section with her twins and LOVED it. I had a vaginal delivery with my twins and LOVED it. Just depends.
If you think you want to go for a c-section, then tell yourself that you'll go in with no regrets! : ) If you don't want to miss the natural birth experience, then you should go for it and you'll at least be able to tell yourself that you tried.
i had a vaginal birth with DS1 and I would have been fine to never go through that... it wasn't HORRIBLE to get him out (1.5 hours of pushing and being 100% exhausted) but it WAS horrible to recover from... a 4th degree tear... every single muscle in my body ACHING b/c I had been on bedrest for 6mo not using muscles- to using them non stop for 1.5 hours --- omg- it hurt to just move my arm after i had him.
With the twins- i had a schedule c/s- and LOVED it. It was so much fun to be wide awake during their birth- know what was happening- REMEMBER what happened - and my recovery was CAKE compared to my vag birth.
I LOVED my c/s.
ITA. I did bleed for awhile but that can happen after a vaginal birth, because I had two placentas tearing away from the uterine wall. I recovered well and it really wasn't bad at all.
I chose a c-sec. Both babies were head down and I had the option of a vaginal. I didn't want to take any chances because with a vaginal delivery, twin B can be in distress, placenta can separate (in twin , or not move down into position, etc etc. It's also less stressful on babies than a vaginal. I don't regret my decision one bit.
Had I had a singleton pg, I would have loved to have a vaginal. If I get pg again, I would love to have a VBAC (with 1).
Do whatever you feel comfy with.
No regrets whatsoever....NONE. I loved both of my sections. I was induced with my oldest and it turned into a section. I would really have hated to have Landry vaginally only to have Hudson (baby by section. That was my worst nightmare.
Always go with your gut instinct. Also, there is a C-section bored you may want to visit. My first time around I wanted a section and I was guilted out of it so, I was induced-it was the worst mistake of my life. The pitocin contractions are ten times worse than contractions without meds. My anesthesiologist didn't get to me to give me pain meds until I was almost complete ready to push. I will tell you that it hurts like a mother. Horrible.
With my section I was wheeled out of the room at 7:18, had the spinal and both babies delivered at 7:36. AWESOME compared to my induction experience.
GL whatever choice you make but, like I said, go with your gut!
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
I was given the option with both babies head down and chose a c-section. If I had a singleton first I would have gone vaginal without thinking twice. I was afraid of the "double whammy" and I have a family history of delivery issues. With twins I couldn't chance it.
A very small part of me wishes I would have experienced vaginal birth. I have a lot of good friends who went natural and reading their birth stories make me a tad envious that I'll never get to experience that. I won't get the opportunity for a vbac b/c I have two prior abdominal surgeries and labor is too risky after those surgeries and a c-section.
I still believe a c-section was what was best for us in the situation we were in and wouldn't have changed a thing if I got to go back and do it again.
GL! All that really matters is that your babies get here safe and you're comfortable with whichever process you choose
i had an induction scheduled for 38w1d which was pushed to 37w exactly for medical reasons (cholestasis).
my induction failed miserably (32 hours on cervadil and pitocin with only 50% effacement and 1 cm dilation, and that progress was after they broke my water, 3 failed foley bulbs attempts and stripped my membranes, amongst other things). my c-section was probably made worse by all the time on pit, i had lots of complications.
anyway, i would NOT choose an induction that was not medically necessary, knowing what i know now about how terribly inductions can go.
I haven't deliverd twins yet-- but I think I will try to have them vaginally if possible. I just believe the experience of having a vaginal birth is amazing. I haven't had a C-section, therefore don't know how to compare the two. But I know that a womens body was made to deliver babies. It must not be that bad or women wouldn't do it again But what ever is the best for your babies is the most important thing. I personally am way more nervous about a C-section then a vaginal birth. I remember when I was pregnant with my first tha women ask me when I was scheduling my c-section. When I told her I wasn't, she was appauled at how barbaric it was for me to have a vaginal birth.