I completely forgot to ask this question when the doctor discovered I was Rh-. He said if I have any bleeding I need to have a shot just to be on the safe side but what if I bleed after intercourse, I have had a brownish discharge once 2 days after sex but didn't think anything of it, but now in case it happens again and much heavier I wonder if I should go to the Dr. or hospital to get that shot. Any thoughts or experience about this from anyone? Obviously I will always call if I do bleed but im just wondering if anyone else has been in the same situation as I.
Thanks in advance
Re: Sex then bleeding and im Rh-....just a quick question
My OB did not care where blood came from. I spotted and got a shot the next day.
The source of my bleeding has been linked to a polyp on my cervix, but regardless I will get a shot once every 12 weeks b/c there is no reason to risk it.
Totally this. My OB took zero chances with this, and really there's no reason TO chance it. Plus, I'm not sure how someone could tell over the phone or unless they did tests where the bleeding was coming from. I mean, they could probably guess, but I wouldn't be comfortable with a guess, especially if you're planning on having more kids. I had a pelvic exam early in my pg last time and very lightly spotted afterwards and it almost certainly was from my cervix, but my OB still had me get a shot without question.