I know most people wait until the start of their second trimester to share their good news, but I was wondering how many people have already started telling family and friends. I am 4 weeks and am ready to shout it from the roof top!! But am scared due to superstisions I guess...What about everyone else??

Re: How long are you waiting to tell people?
We have both told a few people; friends that we will need to know if (Heaven-forbid, please!) something happens. We will tell our parents after our first doctor appt. Probably will wait till week 13 or so to make it public...
H&H 9 months!!!
M/C October 25th 2010. Its been almost 6 years since I said goodbye
DH-34-MFI-motility+morphology.... Me-32-Hypothyrpid+LPD
7/8/11: Clomid100mg+Ovidrel+IUI#1=BFN
8/2/11: Clomid50mg+Ovidrel+IUI#2=BFFN
8/25/11: Follistim50iu+Ovidrel+IUI#3=BFP!!!!@14dpo
Beta#1 9/8 - 251 Beta#2 9/15 - 1622 Beta#3 9/22 - 12674
1st U/S; heard one beautiful HB of 129 - 9/29/11
OB visit; HB of 166 - 10/13/11
2nd US; HB of 163 - 10/18/11
A/S - 12/9/11 - It's a perfect healthy BOY!!!!
Our miracle baby boy - born 5/24/12
I didn't want everyone knowing, just those very close to me. I told 2 people (Sister and her husb) and suddenly everyone knew.. yikes. Be careful who you tell even if you think you can trust them..
ETA : clarity
My husband told his best friend. Which, is okay because i know it will be easier on both of us if he has someone to vent to about my crazy pregnancy emotions. it is also good because his friend's wife had her baby about two months ago and i know i can go to her for support and questions.
we plan on telling our parents around ten weeks and everyone else on november 15th.
we have a large family and friends gathering every year for "deer camp" giving dh a specific date is good. he's just so excited and wants to tell everyone now!
We didn't really plan it out, when we found out we were both really excited, H called his mom right away. I called my sister and mentioned that I'd probably tell everyone at work the following day (it's a small office) She asked me if I really wanted to do that because most people wait till around 10 weeks just to make sure everything is okay. That helped me get a grip and so now we've told close friends. Just a week until my 1st u/s so after that we will be telling most (that will be 8 weeks) H is of the mindset that you just tell everyone but I'm more cautious. Now its become a goal for myself to keep quiet about it at work.
So far, I've only told immediate family and a very close family friend. I also made sure that they knew that I didn't want other people to know until I was past the 10-12 week point - just in case. These are the people with whom I would trust with my life, let alone the biggest news in my life. God forbid anything happens, I will need their support. The only problem with adhering to this timeline is now everyone will think I'm just getting fat because I won't give away my pregnancy! I may, however, end up telling my boss sooner than I wanted.
I had an ultrasound last week (at 10 weeks). Everything looked great so we decided to start telling people as we see or talk to them. I haven't made any special phone calls just to tell friends the news, will probably wait till 12 weeks for that. As for FB, maybe 20 weeks or so?
We'll probably tell our church after we receive my genetic results (should be in a week or two).
Family we wont' tell until thanksgiving. They all live 7 hours away and we like to do it in person all at once. And by then we'll have our 1st u/s.
M/C October 25th 2010. Its been almost 6 years since I said goodbye
I'm 7 weeks and we told two of our best friends and my mom so far. We're planning on telling my DH's parents next weekend at 8 weeks and probably waiting until 10-11 to tell my Dad (we're not as close).
I'm going to "officially" announce to some close family at Thanksgiving and I'm not sure about Facebook yet.......
with my daughter, we didn't tell a single soul until 15 weeks. we would have told everyone right when i entered second trimester, but it was around xmas, and we wanted to tell my family in person.
this time, we haven't told a single soul, and won't until pretty much exactly 13w3d. not only will that be the exact date of me entering second trimester, i also have an ob appt and it's my bday.
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
We haven't told anyone yet. I have my NT Screen next week and we'll probably tell family only (no FB) around the first of November. I have no plans at all to tell work.
Last time we told family and friends after our NT Screen, and I told work around 20 weeks when i started wearinig maternity clothes.
We have a dating ultrasound today and if we hear a heartbeat than we will be slowly telling friends and family, and then wait till 2nd trimester for the more public anybody and everybody annoucement.
We had a miscarriage in February and I think that has definitely kept us quieter than with DS1
I was expecting back in February, but the baby never grew past 6 weeks. We were forced into telling the parents due to a family destination wedding that would have been taking place a week after we would have been due. I was not happy that we were forced to tell our parents as we then had to tell them that I was no longer pregnant.
So this time, unless a gun is held to my head, we are not telling anyone until we are at 12 weeks.
Though if we get good u/s results, that will be harder to do.. 
We told parents and siblings and my best friend...all people we would tell anyway if something tragic were to happen.
We will tell extended family/work friends/etc. after my first doctor's appointment/ultrasound.
But, we have not suffered any previous losses, so I understand why people who have wait longer to feel more comfortable sharing.
We just told our parents/siblings this past weekend. I was going to tell my BF but she wasn't in a very good mood on Friday so I think I'll wait to tell her on Halloween, along with another couple we're close friends with. We're supposed to be going to a Halloween party on a river boat and they'll know something's up if I'm not drinking!
We plan on telling everyone else (extended family, work) after 10-12 weeks.
DD born 3/23/2013; Baby #2 EDD 9/7/2015