So I had my first appointment at 4 weeks and 1 day(based on u/s only, my cycle is wonky) and I am heading back to the doc when I will be 6 weeks and 4 days. I will do another ultrasound that day in hopes of seeing the hb, and to make sure everything is okay before I leave to the states on a three week trip. My first appointment was kind of a whirlwind and I didn't ask too many questions, I wanna be more prepared this time but I'm not sure what to be asking at this point (don't worry guys I'm getting my preggers books when I get to the states!).
So first off, 1. I should be able to see the heartbeat at this appt right?
2. What the heck should I be asking?
Thanks for your help guys!
Re: advice for 2nd appointment! dont know what to ask, etc.
you should be able to see it via ultrasound
as for questions to ask: think about your lifestyle to see if that generates any questions that are important to you, do you have any plans over the next 9 months that you think you should ask the OB about (vacations, activities, etc)
for me at my 1st appt i asked about allergy meds because i have horrible allergies, what inhaler to use if my asthma flares, if i can lift my toddler when i am more round, when i should get dental work done (im getting dental implants)
my advice: i keep an index card in my purse so if i think of a question i want/need to ask at my next appt that I wont forget what I want to find out