I've had some dull cramps for about 2 weeks now. I thought I was going to see AF but found out I was pregnant. Now last night and so far this morning, I have some cramps that hurt pretty bad and I can't sit/stand/walk comfortably. My first appointment isn't until October 20th and I'm supposed to work 12 hours today. (only 10.5 more to go). Anyone else get these and when should I call the DR? (no bleeding/spotting just cramps)
Re: Idk about these cramps
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
Just lurking from 3rd tri cause I'm bored and waiting for someone...
I had horrible cramps off and on through my whole first trimester and was told that it was normal by the midwife when I went to see her. As long as there is no spotting you are good!
Mine were bad enough to land me in the ER. Obviously if you are worried you can call for peace of mind, but for me the ER docs just stressed me out with negative possibilities when everything was just fine.