My son is 4yo and is very good about going to time-out when told. Afterwards, he will tell me why he had to sit in time-out and then apologize. But it sometimes seems its no big deal for him. Have any of you stopped time-outs and started something else, like taking toys away?
Re: When do you think "time-outs" stops working?
Sometimes it's just not a big deal to them. They're able to be more rational as they get older so they don't flip out and cry. They know they did something wrong and it's time to pay the piper so to speak.
As long as it stops the behavior I'm good with them seeming like it's no big deal.
If he's snotty about it he gets to go to his room for a longer amount of time instead of a shorter time out in the time out chair.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
I'm still trying to get them to work in the first place! Sigh. They have never worked for DS, so I'm wondering if they will for DD.
I admit I'm envious of you!