so im pretty new to this board but i am just venting about some things
ive been trying to stay out of the drama but honestly i dont get it. why do some people have to be so rude to other peoples questions. Last I checked this board is for moms to come together about everything, not to sensor what they are posting just to make you happy.
You don't have to reply if youre just going to say something mean. Why bother? Just let someone else answer there question and leave your snyde remark to yourself.
I just don't get why you people have to be straight up rude and mean to other posters.
Many of us are on our first time pregnancy and come here as a way to ask questions and connect with other moms. Just ignore a post if you dont have something relevant to say.
Re: vent about this board
I agree.
But pot meet kettle much?
Ignore the drama and irrelevant responses if they bother you. It's that simple.
just ignore them...I know how you feel though, you try to ignore them and then you just get so mad you type a post like this. Bottom line, just ignore them.
And, please learn to spell. It is censor, not sensor, and snide, not snyde.
Have you ever been on the internet before? Have you ever been on a message board before?
Lol at these posts. On pretty much every message board everywhere, there's one of these posts at least every two weeks.
I agree with you. I don't expect puppies and rainbows... or unicorn farts for that matter. I do expect the common courtesy I would show a stranger IRL or at least a lack of response. I think there's a middle ground between the two extremes.
Some women are rude on these boards bc they CAN be. There are no consequences.
BFP 1 | EDD 4.1.11 | MMC D&C 10.27.10 | 14 weeks
BFP 2 | EDD 9.29.11 | MC 1.25.11 | 6 weeks
BFP 3 | EDD 3.4.12 | MC 9.5.11 | 10 weeks
BFP 4 | Twins EDD 6.7.12 | MC James 10.31.11 Kellen 1.12.12 | 8 weeks/19 weeks
BFP 5 | EDD 12.24.12 | Rainbow Baby in the Making!
**Formerly known as Nikki04vb**
? PGAL/PAL Welcome ?
LOL it's really not. You should've been here when I went through with my pregnancy for DD. This stuff is child's play.
Seriously. I'm thinking these people have been sheltered from the internet. Like a PP said, it's gonna be a loooong ride through the tri/baby boards if they are already this upset.
For SuzyQ and all March 15 loss moms
I find it funny that you 2 people dog on her for having too many tickers when I saw at least 3 other people who had just as big of sigs as hers because they have tons of pictures. I think you 2 just wanted to find something to pick on her about because of her post. Did that make you feel better? My mom raised me to respect others whether they are strangers or not...I guess you missed that lesson.
Well considering she is posting about people being mean on the board it sounds like they are just trying to ad fuel to the fire imo. And no need to tell me to relax I don't take these boards seriously. Was just voicing that I find it funny what people choose to rag on other people about.
Yeah, some of the posters on here are mean just for the sake of being mean, but meh, who cares. Some people are just mean. You can't expect such a diverse population of women to be nice all the time and it's ridiculous to write posts like this with any expectation of change. This board has been around a lot longer than you have, and your post isn't going to change how some people respond. Either deal with it or don't post here.
I have to say, though, I was pleased to see a somewhat different post than, I'm pregnant! and, When did you get morning sickness? and, Did you have any symptons before your BFP? So thanks, OP, for some entertainment finally.
It's not just because she has a lot of tickers, it's because she has at least 5 tickers for the SAME thing.
And if someone calls people out, you have to expect that people will respond.
I agree...but I wouldnt have been brave enough to post this lol. Theres a lot of that stuff going on around here. I like my month board so much better, even tho theres is still some of it going on.
Makes me double think the posts I write. God forbid someone not like it, or I spell a word wrong. Thanks for speaking your mind...try not to worry about all negativity and immaturity.
Just focus on those other people here to help, not judge!