1st Trimester

When to announce pregnancy?

So I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm nervous, yet so excited! I am only 6 weeks along so far, but my husband and I are finding it so hard to keep this secret to ourselves (mainly him). We haven't told anyone yet because it's so early on in my pregnancy. I wanted to ask how long have other couples waited on average to tell their family and friends the good news?!

Re: When to announce pregnancy?

  • Parents and siblings knew between 6 and 7 weeks. Close friends knew after my 9 week appt. Everyone else I was around 15 weeks.
  • Parents knew right away- close friends at 9 weeks and then we told the world at 10 weeks. Couldn't keep it in!
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  • It's such a hard decision for me to think of when it will be right. I've thought about telling just our parents and siblings, but I know some of them have big mouths and I'm afraid they won't be able to keep it to themselves for a few weeks before I'm ready to tell anyone else. lol

     I'd like to keep it as long as possible, I just figure people will begin to catch on, and my sweet husband is just so excited he asks me everyday "So when do you want to tell someone?" :) 

  • I announced our first pregnancy at 10 weeks. That was when my family was in town, I would've liked to wait til 12+ but I really wanted to tell my parents in person. With this pregnancy it was the day after I got my BFP. Mom blasted me on FB at 4.5 weeks so the world knew really early. I was kinda mad but I know she was excited and I should've told her to not to tell if I didn't want her to. Lesson learned. I'm showing already so everyone who didn't hear already will know when they see me.
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  • Parents and siblings 12 weeks last time, 11 this time. Just told my boss today, I think I was also 14 weeks last time. Now I'll unlock my FB wall, but probably won't make a big announcement yet. Most of our friends know, we started slowly telling people once our family knew.
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  • Husband and best friend knew the day I knew. We told our parents at 7.5 weeks. Grandparents at 9 weeks. We started telling some more family and friends last week at 10 weeks. Ill probably stop caring who knows about 14 weeks.


    Everyones different, some people tell everyone they day they find out, some wait till second tri,some longer. Its all about how comfortable you are with it, and IN CASE something goes wrong, how comfortable you are with those people knowing this as well. But nothing will go wrong! :) Good luck!

  • Parents and siblings knew right away along with my cousin and husband's best friend. We will wait until after our 1st appt on the 26th to spread the news to the rest of our families.
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  • I told my husband sister right away but I'm not telling anyone else until I see the heartbeat on the first Ultrasound. So unfortunately for me that's Nov 8th! Long wait but since the risk of miscarriage is a lot less once you hear the heartbeat I've decided to hold out until then. Definitely going to be hard.
    BFP#1 10.03.11| Chemical Pregnancy 10.11.11.
    BFP#2 11.13.11| diag@13wks T21/Cystic Hygroma/Hydrops | D&C 1.24.12
    BFP#3 12.13.12| HR 174 | Materni21 - All Chromosomes Normal! | EDD 8.25.13
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  • Parents and select siblings at 6 weeks

    General Family at 11 weeks

    Friends and Colleagues at 13 weeks, after CVS and 2nd doctor visit

     Good luck!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Parents after first Dr. appointment.  Close friends and work 10-12 weeks.  Everyone else 2nd tri. 
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  • I just told everyone on facebook. I am soooooo happy I can't hold it in 
  • We waited last time until we went to our first docs appt when I was 8wks but I dont think this will be the case this time knowing DH!
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  • With my last pregnancy, I told only 2 close friends around 6 weeks, we were planning to tell family at 8wks but we didn't make it that far, I am so glad that we didn't announce it to everyone and then have to tell them all that we lost the baby.

    With this one, we will wait until ~15 weeks (the first opportunity past 8 wks that we will see our families in-person) to tell family and maybe 18-20 wks to tell friends, later probably for FB.

    I think you'll know when you're ready to tell people. I'm still very cautious with this pregnancy and would prob announce at 12 wks after ultrasounds confirming HB/viability if we were going to see our parents at that time. Good luck!

    + 6/1/11, due 2/12/12. natural m/c @ 8wks
    + 9/3/11, due May 2012. overdue baby born healthy!
    + 8/3/15, natural m/c @ 5wks
    + 1/4/16, due 9/14/16

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  • WIth my first pg I only told DH and his parents. I was grateful for that because we lost the pregnancy at 8.5 weeks. This pregnancy so far only my DH, best friend, and the two sets of parents know. I have a very strict 13 week policy because anything can happen. At 13 weeks I will tell people closest to me such as extended family and close friends. I will not be making a FB announcement because anything can go worng at anytime and I do not need all of my FB aquantainces to know about it. To each their own.
  • I am about 7 weeks along now... and we haven't told anyone yet. I wanted to tell my parents in person (they live about 5 hours away)... but I don't want to wait till I see them again (in about 3 weeks). I especially don't want to tell my in laws before my own parents.  Soooo we will see! The facebook announcement will definitely be made after the 1st trimester, and close friends I will tell within the next couple weeks!
    BFP: 9/20 Blighted Ovum DX: 10/21 @ 9 weeks. Waiting for m/c.
  • My best friends and boy friend knew as soon as I found out. My family at 8 weeks, and then it got out to everyone because my boy friend has a large mouth lol. but I'm happy, I was having a hard time containing myself.
    My little pumpkin was born at 34weeks, weighing 3lbs, due to severe IUGR & Unexplained Placental Insufficiency. He spent 49 days in the NICU. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers imageimageimageimageimageimage
  • We already told our close friends and family....I also told my boss I was pregnant so I could get time off for appts. but I originally didn't want anyone else at my work to know.  Well that ended up NOT happening. 

    One of my friends...even after I told her NOT to tell anyone...went and told a coworker of mine who has the BIGGEST mouth ever and he went around and told EVERYONE at my job.  For a couple days I kept having people come up to me saying "I hear congratulations are in order" I was pretty pissed off and let both of those coworkers know it wasn't their damn business to air.

    So basically if you don't want everyone at your job to know don't tell anyone that knows someone you work with!

  • We told our parents and close friends at 6 weeks. We're going to keep it a secret from everyone else until we go back to our hometown at 12 weeks. Our parents are so excited, though, because it's their first grandchild, that they have been telling a few people. Also, people keep asking them about us and when they're going to be grandparents, so they've told some people. Hopefully we'll be able to surprise some people when we get home!
    Baby Z: 5/21/12

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  • My BFF found out about a week after I did.

    I told my mom a little after 6 weeks. I told my dad a little after 9 weeks.

    A super close family friend of SO and mine was told at about 9 weeks because I had insurance questions for her and SO's brother accidentally overheard them and found out at about 11 weeks.

    My siblings were told a little after 13/14 weeks.

    SO's family was told at 15 weeks. It probably was a little bad of us to wait until 15 weeks to tell SO's family but it was his decision and I agreed. He wanted to do it in person so he waited until he was visiting them and there was times before 15 weeks that he could have done that. But SO's family has a bad history with marriage/babies/growing up things. They yelled at him for wanting to go to college. Freaked out on me about babies multiple times because they wanted us to wait until we're over 30 to start trying. They have a bad history with drinking. So yeah...


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  • We haven't told anyone yet. We are waiting until after our first appointment, which is Thursday. My family will be in town, so it will be good timing. I agree with PP, you will know when it is right for you.
  • We've kind of been all over the place in terms of telling people! My brother and sister-in-law were the first ones we told when I was not even 5 weeks (we were celebrating their wedding and though it would be a fun, happy secret to share with them!).  I also told their friends who have a two-month-old and just told one of my BFFs today.  We're waiting until after my first appt. to tell the 'rents.  I'd love to be able to do it later this month at my dad's 60th birthday!  Might tell my in-laws a few days prior or after, since our parents live in different states.  It's so HARD to keep quiet!!!!!
  • I guess that's what I'll have to do too then. I really want to tell everyone but I'm still afraid of telling them too early and having any problems. I have PCOS and it's our first and it happened awfully fast. We were only off the pill for about 2months.
  • I've only told people that I would be comfortable knowing if something were to go wrong. I plan on telling my sibling after my NT scan/ blood results next Monday, as well as my MIL and everyone else during that 12-13 week point.
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  • I'll probably wait until after my first appointment to tell family. No clue when that will be because I'm going to have to switch doctors too.
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