They just fussed for 30 minutes and will probably take a 45 min nap. They have completely refused their afternoon nap twice this past week and I didn't even try for it yesterday, I ran errands instead and they cat napped in the car. I just don't want to deal with all of the drama surrounding naps twice a day anymore. They are going down for bed at night like champs now. If I try only one nap tomorrow will I regret it?
PS ~ One of them naps fine. It's the other two that are making me crazy.
ETA: PS #2 ~ I would also like to start going to the gym in the mornings and one nap would be much more convenient for that. I'm such a selfless mother. ...actually I think it will be good for them to get out of the house too...see it's not just for me...really it's not...
Re: Anyone do one nap a day before 12 months?
We didn't go down to one nap, but we had a period of about two weeks around 11.5 months where they wouldn't take one of their naps. I thought for sure they were trying to go down to one nap. Then, that resolved but their night sleep got disrupted. That lasted a few days. Then, suddenly, they started sleeping better at night and going back to two long naps--they were back to normal.
I think it was just a phase and they were working on some milestones and it was messing with their sleep patterns. Since then, they've been much for vocal and working on walking. So, it might just be a phase for you too, although I do know some babies drop a nap before 12 months.
Don't even mention one nap a day around here! I'm so not ready for it. :-)
I just wanted to say those babies are too cute!!!!
Loving your new sig pic too! So cute! I wish you lived closer and we could do play dates.
I feel like I could have written this post myself (except for the gym part ). I'm debating about going down to one nap too because I have one baby that doesn't seem tired for the 1st nap. If he does actually sleep during the 1st nap, he REALLY doesn't seem tired for the 2nd nap.
I'm torn because I know I could still get 2 naps out of the other baby. I'd prefer one long nap over two, 30-45 minute naps.
Long story short, we're not there yet but I feel like we're heading towards it.
Our morning nap is pushing back later and later (until about 10:30, but I think they are almost ready to go until 11:00.) If they take a good first nap, I just don't even try for the second because it isn't worth the drama. But they are whiny, hot messes at bedtime as a result.
They both are pulling up and I think close to cruising so I think that might be a factor too. I would like to go to one later nap as well so I could get out more too.
I too have a champ napper and a catnapper. I tried to go to one nap before 12 months but bedtime ended up so early a few nights....Now, what I've been doing is
7:30 up & milk cup
8 breakfast
10:30-11 snack/nurse
11:15-1:00/1:30 nap
1:30 lunch
5:15-5:30 dinner
7:30 nurse
I'm thanking the Lord that this has been mostly successful for the last two weeks!:) On the days that we go somewhere in the afternoon and that one nap might have been shorter and one takes a catnap, I just adjust accordingly at bedtime.sometimes they go down for the night at 7:30, sometimes at 8:15...
does that help ? lol
This for us too. We switched to a new daycare at 13 months where all the toddlers were on a one-nap schedule. DS took about a week to transition and was fine. DD still gets a little cranky in the late morning and would probably still take 2 naps if we let her, but we make her power through to keep them on the same schedule and they both take good afternoon naps.
At first I thought I would hate having to go down to one nap, but it's now much easier to go on an outing in the morning with more time and we get the same total amount of nap time in the afternoon.
My guys are just 11 Months today and about 3 weeks ago they dropped their Morning nap. It was too much fighting it so I gave up!!
We know go out in the mornings and get home for an afternoon nap. They are fine and still go to bed at 7pm and have actually been sleeping to 7:30-8am instead of the 6-7am.
Its harder for me to get ready in the morning cause they are up but its not bad.