Does any one have experience with the UB vista on brick and cobblestone sidewalks? Some of the reviews on amazon suggest it's great and others say the foam-filled tires and suspension don't work well on bumpier terrain. We are trying to decide between this, the quinny buzz (which doesn't seem to offer enough shade from the sun) and the citi select (which seems kind of large?)
(We're only looking at strollers with the rear-facing option)
Re: Uppababy vista on brick and cobblestone sidewalks?
Wouldn't recommend it if you'll be using it frequently on those surfaces. You'd be better off getting something with air tires.
Unfortunately, there aren't many reversible AT options. The Bumbleride Indie would work if you wanted to use the carrycot when baby is small.
No, it's not. I have the Vista and the Indie and frankly after about 4-5 months my kid preferred to face the world anyway.
With either, you can use the bassinet to get that forward facing time when they are little.
TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
Nora B...June 15, 2010...8lbs, 8oz...Med-free birth!
TTC #2 since 7/11...cycle #3 of Clomid + IUI = BFP
Malcolm...September 21, 2012...8lbs, 6oz...Another med-free birth!
I wouldn't see where you would have any problems with the Vista - ours has done cobblestone, snow, slush, sand, etc and nothing has stopped it.
The rear-facing seat is a must for us, at 10 months he still prefers to look at us - he can still see plenty of action while seeing us too.