Cloth Diapering

Question about Fitted dipes...

So far I've only used pockets and prefolds. I love that my pockets have stay-dry material next to my DS's skin, and so far they're working ok for us for overnight use (I stuff with MF and hemp for overnight).

But I notice that many of you use fitteds for overnight use. I've been looking into fitteds a little, but I'm confused. If you get a bamboo fitted (like an ecoposh or a sbish), does it feel wet up against your LO's skin all night? Does the type of cover you use (a wool cover versus a thirsties duo or something similar) make a difference in how it feels against baby's skin?

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Re: Question about Fitted dipes...

  • I always use a piece of fleece as a liner with any overnight diaper, so they always feel dry.  PUL isn't as breathable as wool, so I prefer to use wool.  My girls don't care one way or the other though.  :)
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  • There are fitteds that are fully lined with a stay-dry material, just like pockets. I used those with DD (Happy Hempys, Very Baby Simply Nights) because she did wake up overnight in non-stay-dry fitteds, even with a fleece liner.

    DS doesn't care either way, so I just use whatever -- stay dry or not.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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