3rd Trimester

Getting Kitties ready for Baby?

Well we hit our 30wk mark yesterday! Smile Yay! But now I'm starting to worry about our two cats... we are already planning to get them both to the vet before baby, and they've been good about staying out of babies bassinet but it's the claw thing... it's impossible to trim them ourselves and yes we could have the vet do them but every two weeks?? That seems like it would add up quick not to mention not having the time to get them there with a new born and busy work schedule! So I've been looking into those kitty claw caps... does anyone have any experience with these or know of anyone that has?? Oh and does anyone have any tips or tricks to conditioning 2 extremely clingy cats for babies arrival?
Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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Re: Getting Kitties ready for Baby?

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    Claw caps can work, but they fall off and are pretty hard to get back on especially if your cat doesn't like its feet being touched. I recommend getting a trimmer and doing one nail at a time, when the cat is being lazy. It's what we have to do for one of ours - only do one or two at a time, and we can keep them pretty short. If they like treats, have those available. Make trimming time a happy time.


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    we used claw claps on our kitty and it totally worked. It took both DH and I to put it on her in the beginning (i held her and he put it on) and it took her a while to get used to it, but once that was established,  she knows the routine and we're really happy with the results.
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    Get your vet to show you how to trim your cats nails. I know it's difficult... I have four cats. One of them requires two people to trim his - and even then, somebody gets hurt in the process. Sometimes you have to just trim a couple and let the cat go - maybe do a paw a night. We also don't trim them every two weeks, but they do have scratching posts (one of which is that emery-type thing) so maybe that helps.

    If you get the caps done, you'll still have to replace them. Either way, it's probably a good idea to start getting them used to you handling their paws, and perhaps giving them a yummy treat after.

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    I've been worried as well, mostly over how our two cats will handle baby items being around once we get them up in the next couple weeks. They act just like kittens still - forever curious about anything/everything new to their home. How do you keep them out of the bassinet??

    Their claws aren't an issue because I've had them, more or less, get accustomed to me clipping their nails with our clippers. I try about every other week. You definitely want to find a time where they're not overly alert or active or else getting them to sit in your lap won't work. Wear them out with play and food, then sit one in your lap, back against your chest/stomach. I keep my arms in a lock around them, holding one paw at a time and clipping ultra fast. Even if you can't get down to the vein, at least make sure they're not daggers. That's typically the route I go since I can't get our cats to sit still long enough to be taking my time. I'll even have my s/o hold one cat down (sometimes relatively firm) while I do a quick snip. I honestly think that's key. I'm more concerned with the front claws (I get the backs when I can, typically later in the day or the next) since they grow a lot faster.

    Between some scratch posts, clipping nails about twice a month and keeping them entertained with simple toys, they're great with not scratching what they shouldn't be. I Could do the claw caps but that seems more tedious trying to stick something on each individual claw and then Recaping them once they fall off. Either way, you're going to have to cut the nails to get them back on because they'll fall off once the nails get too long. And I would think trying to add in extra tying down time would make them more anxious.

    That's my personal view though. Everyone finds what works out best for their kitties ^_^

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    I've been worried about our cats too.  We've slowly been introducing them to the crib, pack and play, stroller, etc.  They've done really well, and I only found them in the crib once.  I've heard you can put foil in the crib/bassinet, they wont like the feeling or sound.

    To trim their nails I cradle them like a baby, holding them snug to my chest.  If you're worried about scratching, I would use a towel to wrap them tight and just take one paw out at a time.  I can usually get both front paws done if I move quick.  I agree with PP, wait until they are really tired, they'll fight less.  And give treats after.  We also have three different types of scratch pads.

    In my childbirth class, they suggested introducing your animals to a hat the baby has worn, so they are familiar with the smell.

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    i've been cutting my cat's nails myself since they were kittens. the vet told me to add pushing their claws out as part of their play time. i have no issues but it's common for them now. it's easier when they are sleepy rather than active. both of my cats are lap cats and i just imagine they wont want anything to do with the baby  either that or help keep her warm in the winter :)
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    I tried very hard to condition my cats to my baby's arrival.  I think it backfired.  Let's say you try giving them extra attention.  They'll love you for it... till they baby arrives, and not only is there a new person in the house, but that attention will be nonexistent.  One cat of mine was/is fine.  The other one... a wreck.  Only in the past few weeks (my son is now 18 months old) did she stop pooing deliberately right outside of her litter box, being destructive.  She can relapse at any time.  I might have to resort to prozac for her.
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    I guess I got lucky with this because I've trained my cats since they were kittens to let me flop them on their backs and clip their nails. I'm not too worried about them except that they aren't allowed in the baby's room because they like to sleep in the crib and on the changing table and I don't want any traces of feces from their feet on his stuff.
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    There's a free, downloadable booklet on American Humane's page about introducing pets to a new baby. 


    I'm a dog person myself, but there are many owners of cats who also have human children on the Nest's Pets board. There are many who use Soft Paws (the nail caps), and others can give you tips on acclimating your cats to getting their nails clipped.  


    Sort of off topic. Your dog is completely adorable!!! 

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    My sister uses the claw caps on her kitty, and they don't stay on very long. Even after experimenting with different sizes of caps he always manages to pop them off really fast.

    For one of my cats, he's so laid back we can just walk over to him while he's sitting in his scratch post and he'll let us trim his nails nice and fast. His brother on the other hand is a squirmer so I usually hold him in my lap while pinching his scruff really hard and my husband will cut. I find even for brushing my kitties (both of them HATE being brushed), if I pinch their scruff they stay still and usually purr until I'm done.

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    As far as keeping kitties out of the baby furniture, put down aluminum foil on the top of the crib mattress, changing table, bassinet, etc.  The crinkling noise scares them, so they don't jump in it anymore.  Either try that or double sided tape!  I trim our 3 cats claws myself.  I have a pair of regular human nail clippers for them and use those instead of the big pet ones, and they do well.  Sometimes I have to do 1 paw at a time, but they got used to the routine pretty quickly!
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