1st Trimester

Frequent Doppler Questions?????

This is my first pregnancy and clueless in many ways.  I see many posts about dopplers. Why do women buy them?  Are they approved by doctors?  More information would be great.
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Re: Frequent Doppler Questions?????

  • Dopplers are used to find the babies heart beat, they have some now that you can have at home so that you can hear the baby whenever you want. Many women including myself buy them because of previous losses or fear of something going wrong, it's amazing how much better you feel when you can check on your baby whenever you want. I bought a sonoline B and use it all the time, with an OK from my OBGYN, I was able to find my baby at 10 weeks, and it really helped with my fears of thinking something was going to go wrong.
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  • Amazon, diapers.com, target, anywhere! Yes they are approved :) I bought mine online just look up the name of the doppler.
    due april 10th :))
  • Makes so much sense!!!!  How often can you check the heartbeat?  Daily, weekly???
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I live two hours away from any doctor, so I was thinking this would be a good idea! I havent mentioned it to my doctor, but Ive read that with some of them you can record the heartbeat to send to your doctor if you think something is wrong. this is my first pregnancy, and it seems worth it to me.
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