So my brother and I are not very close but closer than we use to be. He and his girlfriend are very earthy. Only believe in natural remedies and cures which is fine.. for them. They had a baby 3 mo ago and did not epideral or any other medicines.He emailed me asking me how I am feeling. I explain that everyday I feel like puking my guts and that the medicine the dr gave me makes me drowsy but that she was calling in something else for me. His response:'
It doesnt matter how sick you feel you need to only put in your body what is best for the babdy. You need to look into more natural suppliments. Drugs cause birth defects and will force you to have a csection. You need to work on a birthing plan as well.
It took all I had to not tell him where to shove it. I am sorry It does matter how I feel. I think me eating is better for the baby rather than me not eating or drinking enough water bc everyting that goes into my mouth makes me sick. I know plenty of people that have taken nausea pills and their babies are just fine. As far as a birthing plan goes 1) I am barely going to hit 7 weeks its a little early for that and 2) I have already told that bc of my health They are reccommending a C section so why do a plan. Maybe I am just hormonal but I hate people telling me what I should be doing and what is best for my baby.
Re: GRRR! (vent)(long)
Wow that does sound infuriating! You know, some people are just very opinionated and don't know when to hush up lol. But he is your brother, so try not to hold it against him
There is no reason to be ashamed of needing a C section if that's the case, and no one has the right to look down on you for it. "Natural supplements" aren't regulated in any way and can be much more dangerous than any drug your doctor prescribes and I would urge you to stay away from them.
I hope you guys can find a way to get along through your pregnancy! Good luck!
I didn't give my opinions on how they did stuff even stuff that I felt was crazy. BC it was their pregnancy. I am pretty sure my dr isn't going to call me in something that would harm my baby.
Erin: I plan on having ours in their own room immediatly and I am sure he will give me grief on that bc they have my neice in bassanet in their room. What is your childs name that they thought of a stripper??
Kylie. She was in a pack-n-play with the newborn insert in our room for the 1st two months but at 2 months she was sleeping from 9-4:30 so she really didn't need me as much. We ALL slept better when she moved to her own room.
My friend names her little girl Kylee... Its a pretty name! Not a stripper