So based on my LMP my due date would be May 14th and I would be 8 weeks sunday. I was not charting and have not had a normal period since january of 2009. ( Got pregnant with DD, nursed for 10 months, then went on mirena with no periods until getting it removed in July and only have one period on August 7-12, then got pregnant with this one the end of August). However I was keeping track of the days DH and I had sex around the middle of my cycle. (August 19, 20, 22, 24) We did not have sex after that due to a death in the family and a last minute trip home. Needless to say we were not in the mood. The next time we had sex was September 5th, I got my BFP on Sept. 8. I had my second ultrasound yesterday (according to LMP I would have been 7 weeks 4 days, which I know is most likely off considering who knows when I ovulated. However, baby measured 6 weeks 1 day. That would put me conceiving August 31. I know it can take a few days to happen, but a whole week from the last time DH and I had sex until I conceived? Dr is not concerned at all, just said dates were behind and I am now due May 24th.

Re: So confused....
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart