ugh why was I wanting my symptoms! WHY! Well I got my wish today is a very tough day, I couldn't get out of bed and I had my first M/S that followed thru with throwing up. Ladies who have barely any symptoms and are getting nervous about it, please don't wish for them that is what I was doing and I take it back!
I am starting to finally feel pregnant and we are 5 days away from our second U/S, I am praying to see baby this time, a week and a half ago it was just a sac and nothing else and that freaked me out, but starting to get these symptoms are actually calming my nerves a little each day. I hope now the next 2 days that I work 6:30am-5:30pm that I dont have a morning like today because that will not work out in my nor works favor.
Re: why did I wish for this...
See, this is why we want symptoms..... Hope you feel better.
Thank you, it's only while its bad you wish you never wanted it, but when you finally can eat and not feel like its going to go back up then its comforting =p
I agree with the original poster! I wanted to "feel" pregnant and now I am so sick of feeling sick!!