Anyone else get a no running order from their doctor?
I'm an avid runner. I've completed several races, a marathon, and was sched to do a half marathon this Sunday. This week I saw my doctor for our forst appointment and he said no running for the entire pregnancy. Not because of me, but, in general it isnt safe for the developing fetus/baby.
Obv, I'm down to do whatever to ensure the safety of my baby, but I was pretty surprised since I've seen SO many pregnant women running!
Re: No running?
The opinion probably varies from doctor to doctor. Mine told me I could contnue my current exercise (no contact sports or anything with a risk of impact), but to take it a little easy- keep my heart rate lower than normal.
I think jogging is probably fine unless you're high risk. It seems odd that your doctor said NO running as opposed to maybe just going slow or lowering your mileage... especially in the 1st tri.
BFP 1 | EDD 4.1.11 | MMC D&C 10.27.10 | 14 weeks
BFP 2 | EDD 9.29.11 | MC 1.25.11 | 6 weeks
BFP 3 | EDD 3.4.12 | MC 9.5.11 | 10 weeks
BFP 4 | Twins EDD 6.7.12 | MC James 10.31.11 Kellen 1.12.12 | 8 weeks/19 weeks
BFP 5 | EDD 12.24.12 | Rainbow Baby in the Making!
**Formerly known as Nikki04vb**
? PGAL/PAL Welcome ?
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
Your doctor is a quack. My friend taught zumba with all 4 pregnancies until she wa in labor.
Its ok to run for a little while still. Promise.
Zumba and running are completely different things.
not the way she does it!
I've seen this study noted several places:
Not endorsing it, saying you shouldn't run, etc. etc. But it is interesting.
If you were a runner before there is no reason you can't continue through pregnancy as long as it is comfortable, and as long as you aren't deemed high risk. It doesn't "damage the baby" because of the impact.
Doctors are just overly conservative due to liability concerns i suppose.
Run away, your body will tell you when it is time to stop.
For my first pregnancy I didn't get a "no running" order but I got a do not let your BP go above 150 order. On my last visit the doctor said that studies have come out that say you can maintain the workout regimen you had before you were pregnant.
For this pregnancy my doctor just told me to listen to my body. When it says I'm pushing it too hard, listen.