My blood work came back yesterday afternoon and hCG was only 325

Progesterone was 8.5 (which I expected to be low) and am now on Prometrium again. Hoping I am just not as far along as calculated from my LMP. Good news is no spotting or cramping like last time (Miscarriage in June). Getting more bloodwork today and have to wait until Monday for results! Trying to stay positive!
Re: Trying to stay positive....
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy