
"But... they don't LOOK alike..."

This stupid comment/conversation takes the cake for me.  We all went to Kohl's today and I was pushing the twins around while DH wandered off with DD1.  A woman catches me and we have this conversation:

Idiot:  Twins?

Me:  Yep.

Idiot:  But... they don't look alike...

Me:  Well, they might be fraternal  We haven't had them tested yet.

Idiot:  So... they may not be twins?

Me:  Um, no. They are definitely twins.  I was pregnant with them at the same time and they were born on the same day.

Idiot:  But... they don't LOOK alike...

I didn't say another word.  I could have gone around and around with this woman and gotten nowhere.  I just smiled and went back to shopping.  Could you imagine her reaction if I had boy/girl twins?!  Huh?

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Re: "But... they don't LOOK alike..."

  • OMG!!!!!  LOL!  I'm sorry you had to deal with someone like that!  Makes you want to pull your hair out.  you did good by just not saying another word:)

    By your picture I think your girls are identical, my younger set of identical girls didn't look much alike at birth because of twin to twin transfusion syndrome which caused the wieght difference and one twin was a tad behind in development.  Your girls are beautiful...all 3 of them!!!! 

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  • Haha yes, I've definitely had the same conversation.
    Hmm you think just because one has blond hair and one has brown hair and they have completely different faces that they don't look alike? And that consequently they must not really be twins? Thank you for clearing that up for me ...
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • OMG, I totally LOLed.  Some people are such idiots.
  • oh dear. stories like this make me want to never leave my house once my girls are here.

    i have very little patience/tolerance for morons!

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  • Oh geez! I was just telling DH the other day about some posts on this board talking about "If one more person asks if my boy/girl twins are IDENTICAL, I'm going to slap someone!" then he stopped mid laugh and said "wait, people really say that? no they don't! do they?!" LOL People are do dumb!

    and what did she mean by "real" twins? Ugh!

    Married 2/10
    TTC #1 since 2/10
    Dx Slight MFI- Low Morph (was 2% is currently 5%) & MTHFR
    10/10-1/11 IUI #'s 1-4 100mg Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    4/11 IUI #5(New RE)100mg Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    5/11 IUI #6 100mg Clomid + Trigger = BFP!!
    6/3 Beta #1 (13dpiui)-142!!! 6/6 Beta #2 (16 dpiui)-514!!!
    1st U/S 6/13 @ 5w2d - Showed fraternal TWINS!!!!!
    2nd U/S 2 beautiful HB's @ (Baby A)6w3d and (BabyB)6w2d!
    EDD 2/11/2012ish

    "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
  • LOL I get that one a lot since my guys don't look alike. I just say no, they're not twins, I just had them on the same day. I borrowed it from someone (Sorry I don't remember who!) around here. It works awesome!
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  • imageNicoleeBonsai:

    oh dear. stories like this make me want to never leave my house once my girls are here.

    i have very little patience/tolerance for morons!

    I was thinking the same thing :-/


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  • So annoying.  I honestly do not know why those people even say anything at all.
    Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

  • wow, what a dumba$$... I had an employee at the pedi's office last week ask me if I knew which one was baby A and who was born first... um yeah of course I know that.  Hopefully she just was not used to dealing with twins.
  • I get asked if Hudson and Landry are ID all.the.time and people try to convince me that indeed they are because they look.just.alike.  Right?  They look nothing alike. Nothing.  lol-
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  • I usually have a tolerance for stupid people (I'm a nurse, I have to) but seriously? If "They are definitely twins.  I was pregnant with them at the same time and they were born on the same day." doesn't explain the obvious to someone, you are wasting your breath. Wow!
    I had someone ask if I knew what I was having and I said a boy and a girl. Her response, "Are they identical?" Seriously? I just told you that they are a boy and a girl. If you don't know what identical twins are, then don't bother asking.
    alicia & joseph, married 9/4/10 expecting twins 2/9/2012 two beautiful daughters from prior marriage, ages 7 & 4 one angel baby boy in heaven Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageMrs_MBed:

    oh dear. stories like this make me want to never leave my house once my girls are here.

    i have very little patience/tolerance for morons!

    I was thinking the same thing :-/


    me, too!!!

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  • Bahahaha! That's great!
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