Cloth Diapering

Lincoln, NE cloth diaper stores?

I'll be in Lincoln this weekend, and I'd like to check out any CD stores there.  I cannot find anything with a Google search.  Any Lincoln moms know where the stores are?  TIA.
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Re: Lincoln, NE cloth diaper stores?

  • Circle Me.  I haven't been but have heard great things.  I am planning to check out their rediaper sale Oct 1.
  • Yes! It's located on O street which is the main street through town. 3120 O street. I have never been either, but my sister lives there and we were just talking about the store yesterday!
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  • Circle Me has some stuff...not a lot but enough.

    Too bad you aren't coming to Omaha....Top to Bottom Baby has a ton!


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  • I second Top to Bottom! It's a 30-45 ish min drive but you'll have such great help and selection. But i should add I know nothing of Circle Me. Hope you get some great deals!
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  • I wish I could get home to the rediaper sale.  I have a high school friend who works there and is running it.

    Alas, we won't be back in L-Town until Thanksgiving.  

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  • imagelrachelle80:

    MilkWorks in Lincoln also has a decent number of CDs, even some Goodmamas, which I thought was interesting. They have a lot of fun stuff there - not just for BFing!

    In Omaha, besides TTBBB, there's also Baby Junk that has a bunch of good CDs as well. 

    Didn't know about this one, lrachelle, thanks!

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