I've been freelancing for a few months now, but I just signed a retainer committing to 15 hours a work per week/60 hours a month. I'm trying to figure out the nanny situation right now.
Do you find that you do better/the kids do better when you work a few times a week for shorter periods of time (i.e. doing mornings with the kids and having a nanny come in for afternoons 3-4 times per week) or when you do longer days and have a nanny there all day (i.e. 2 days per week for a full work day)?
I'm thinking I'll feel less "deprived" of the kids if I split the day up with them and then work. But I think I might get more accomplished and be more productive/focused if some days are specifically work and others are just the kids.
Re: ladies who work from home
Josiah James
Naomi Rose
Married and it feels so good!
thank you
yea, I think you're probably right. I just can't imagine going the whole day working and not being with them. Momma guilt. Sigh.
I work from home 90% of the time and have a nanny all-day. The set schedule is much easier for everyone - babies can be on their routine and we're not juggling things around between me and the nanny.
It is hard to be away from the babies all day, but it's soooo much better than if I had to go into the office each day. I can hear them laugh and when I really need a fix, I can pop out for a few minutes.