My 3yo recently started preK last week and goes all day everyday (well 5 hours but the bus to and from adds an extra 2 hrs to his day). He did have strep the week before school started and he got up and wanted me.....which I understand but it has gotten way worse with him waking SEVERAL (I lost count) times a night and I go in and he is quiet, he just wants to see me. I assume it's the new schedule for him and separation from me. I am trying to stay calm but I'm exhausted and he has to get up at 6:30. He is not getting enough sleep at all and he needs it being he is in school all day. I don't know what else to do. I think I may have to resort to CIO and go in in every 5 or 10 or 15 min or so until he goes back to his ol' self.
Thanks for hearing me vent!
Re: My awesome sleeper is NOT so awesome anymore!! I'm exhausted!