First morning pee is the most concentrated, so it is the best to use. You can use any pee though, but try to wait at least a few hours since your last potty break and don't drink anything for a while before.
Some women test as early as 9DPO, others (like me) wait until their period doesn't show up.
Contemplating the snow.
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
As tempted as you are to test early try not to. I just learned this lesson the hard way. I POAS before the missed period and got a BFP. Lo and behold 3 days later my HcG levels dropped and I was told I had a "chemical pregnancy" (a very early miscarriage). So had I waited to test I would have never even known that I was pg therefore would have been spared the heartache of knowing I lost it. Just my two cents.
Re: How soon to take a test?
Only if you can answer these:
1) Do you know when you ovulated & how do you know you did?
2) How long are your LPs?
3) Are you recently off BCP?
Trevor Calvin 12.10.07 7:26pm 7lbs2.5oz 19.75in
Emerson Claire 07.07.11 11:34am 7lbs7oz 20.5 in
First morning pee is the most concentrated, so it is the best to use. You can use any pee though, but try to wait at least a few hours since your last potty break and don't drink anything for a while before.
Some women test as early as 9DPO, others (like me) wait until their period doesn't show up.
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice