October 2011 Moms

Oh, DH!

So, my kids are going to a new school this year and 5th grade parent information night was Monday and I had to work, so I told Dh to go.  My Dh goes and comes back home and says it didn't make a lot sense, and he said I sent him to the third grade information night.  Actually dummy you just went tho the wrong school, did you not see the name of the school as you pulled in, or lived in this area for the last 17 years? 


 He took the kids to the library last night, which is really nice.  The kids had to pick books out for reading assignments outside of school.  My daughter had to get books for us to read to her she is only in kindergarten.  So this morning I told her to bring me her books and we will read them.  Um yeah all her books were in spanish.  WTH, did you even look at what she picked out?   

I love the guy to death but sometimes I want to slug him.  A for effort but you still failed!


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