Is my baby just chubby (he doesn't look it to me) or am I doing something wrong with my diapers. I have a size 1 Applecheeks, a Kissaluvs fitted and my Thirsties Duo Fitteds in size one are all on their highest rise and or farthest from the middle snap already and my guy is only six weeks old. I don't know how long he is but he is 11 lbs and some things are supposed to be to 20 lbs at least. Thoughts? I just started CDing 1 week ago and can't believe he may be outgrowing them already!
Praying this little one sticks!
Re: Is my baby fat?
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama