So our IUGR baby was released at 37w4d (born at 35w1d) on an apena monitor due to one episode in the hospital. She hasn't had any true episodes since (her monitor sounded twice, besides lead issues when we were HOLDING her and she was clearly breathing).
Today was her follow up, and the doc - not the one from the hospital, but the only one in the practice who takes our insurance - wants to keep her on it for 6 more weeks at night. I would be ok with this except he hasn't reviewed her alarm records and made the decision entirely based on her size and age. She is 40w6d and 5lbs14oz today. Newborns at that size go home. Our other twin went home, wire free, at 35w4d and 4lbs12oz.
I am angry and thinking of calling back and asking him to call and make an informed clinical decision after reviewing her actual readout. I have no issue w/ the monitor for safety etc but with no actual reason behind it? (I wasn't at the appointment, DW was). FWIW, our pedi is anti-monitor and thinks if babies are healthy enough to go home, they shouldn't need a monitor (obviously they're outlier cases, but speaking in reference to our baby here).
Is this normal? Am I offbase here?
Re: apena monitor question
I think it is a pretty standard CYA recommendation until babies reach 44 weeks.
CYA = Cover Your Ass
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
I agree with this. Gabe had very tiny A's and B's. He never had to be stimulated out of them (even in the NICU). But, they still kept us on them. You never know when a A or B could turn major.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
Actually, you could be turned in to Child Protective Services for neglect. Our paperwork had that in big, bad bold type so I feaked out when I forgot to turn it on one night. I knew that wasn't a big deal, but the paperwork made me paranoid. Just wanted to throw that out there - don't unhook without permission.
The monitor was probably the single most frustrating thing, even beyond DD's surgery and weekly follow-ups for imperforate anus repair. At least with the surgery/follow-ups, there is a clear reason WHY I have to schlep her into Philly every week for a five-minute appointment. But my DD just turned eight months old today and we literally just had our monitor picked up three days ago. (I stopped having it on her during the day back in May... then got really bad with using it at all around July).
The monitor is a HUUUUGE CYA tool. I fought like hell for the past four months to get a readout so we could take her off of it. But I'd call, they'd say we'll get back to you later today, then a week later I still hadn't heard anything. Called again, got the same runaround. We had our monitor swapped out to be downloaded in mid-April...found out in mid-May that she hadn't had an episode (minor pause in breathing - 13 seconds) since March 8. So I requested another download. Couldn't do it because the service light or monitor full light wasn't on... of course it wasn't on, she wasn't having any episodes!!!!!!! Went through this runaround a zillion times over the summer until they FINALLY said last week that she was clear. Even though she hadn't had ANYTHING since March 8 (just shy of two months old, and only three weeks adjusted).
FIGHT LIKE HELL for readouts.